In the coming days will be available at a price of 10 Euro, the book "Green Gold", he photographs what happened last summer and the previous attempts of oil exploration in the Valley of Curone. The book was edited by Paola Lazzarotto Committee in collaboration with the "No to the Well" can be a good idea for a simple Christmas gift.
Here is the presentation of the Committee Chairman, Alberto Saccardi:
"The reason of this book lies in the capital of an important experience that during the spring summer of 2009 involved a whole country against the threat of oil wells in a Park natural. A general mobilization that has made the leap Lecco, in particular the Meratese and Park Montevecchia and Curone Valley, on the pages of national newspapers that have followed closely the reasons for this protest against two oil companies in joint venture decided to explore the basement of the Park in search of a field of oil all over (maybe 40milioni barrels, they said, perhaps gas). David and Goliath is now the papers said, could not win it, especially since this time the third attempt to oil companies still on the same territory. And instead of the two companies have abandoned the project and the well will not be made. For now. Because the field is there and perhaps in a future not too far may reoccur in the same situation. This book is therefore required to stop the record in the memory of those days and the reasons why 33 thousand people have signed in just over a month, the Committee's petition "No to Curone well in the Park" with 26 municipalities and the Province of Lecco engaged in plenary sessions against the drills in Brianza Lecco. This book also contains key documents, outlines the strategic, pragmatic and politically Cross, implemented by the Civic Committee and contains a number of eyewitness accounts of people and key players involved in the affair, making that the collective experience of spring summer of 2009 a firm point of no return. "Our job is to leave to future generations a clean and habitable Earth, 'said one of the events in the summer of 2009 the mayor of Rovagnate Marco Panzeri. The real danger of seeing the oil wells in one of the last remaining patches of green in Brianza, a few kilometers from Milan dall'hinterland, woke up the conscience e ora, che il pericolo sembra scampato, sta prendendo forma un comitato permanente in grado di iniziare in Brianza e nel parco in particolare percorsi alternativi di risparmio energetico. Non solo petrolio, ma un oro verde ben più prezioso e duraturo. Questo libro dunque è un libro collettivo, ma ha potuto vedere la luce grazie alla sensibilità di Edizioni Biografiche, casa editrice specializzata in storie di vita, che ha creduto fin da subito all’importanza di questa memoria. Parte dell’investimento nel libro è stato reso possibile grazie alle donazioni di tanta gente durante le serate informative del Comitato nell’estate del 2009 e parte dell’incasso andrà a creare un primo fondo per il Comitato permanente per Sustainable Energy in the Park. Here is the presentation of the Committee Chairman, Alberto Saccardi:
The victory against the well is to read all below it.