Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What To Put On A Star On Eye

the book "Green Gold"

In the coming days will be available at a price of 10 Euro, the book "Green Gold", he photographs what happened last summer and the previous attempts of oil exploration in the Valley of Curone. The book was edited by Paola Lazzarotto Committee in collaboration with the "No to the Well" can be a good idea for a simple Christmas gift.
Here is the presentation of the Committee Chairman, Alberto Saccardi:
"The reason of this book lies in the capital of an important experience that during the spring summer of 2009 involved a whole country against the threat of oil wells in a Park natural. A general mobilization that has made the leap Lecco, in particular the Meratese and Park Montevecchia and Curone Valley, on the pages of national newspapers that have followed closely the reasons for this protest against two oil companies in joint venture decided to explore the basement of the Park in search of a field of oil all over (maybe 40milioni barrels, they said, perhaps gas). David and Goliath is now the papers said, could not win it, especially since this time the third attempt to oil companies still on the same territory. And instead of the two companies have abandoned the project and the well will not be made. For now. Because the field is there and perhaps in a future not too far may reoccur in the same situation. This book is therefore required to stop the record in the memory of those days and the reasons why 33 thousand people have signed in just over a month, the Committee's petition "No to Curone well in the Park" with 26 municipalities and the Province of Lecco engaged in plenary sessions against the drills in Brianza Lecco. This book also contains key documents, outlines the strategic, pragmatic and politically Cross, implemented by the Civic Committee and contains a number of eyewitness accounts of people and key players involved in the affair, making that the collective experience of spring summer of 2009 a firm point of no return. "Our job is to leave to future generations a clean and habitable Earth, 'said one of the events in the summer of 2009 the mayor of Rovagnate Marco Panzeri. The real danger of seeing the oil wells in one of the last remaining patches of green in Brianza, a few kilometers from Milan dall'hinterland, woke up the conscience e ora, che il pericolo sembra scampato, sta prendendo forma un comitato permanente in grado di iniziare in Brianza e nel parco in particolare percorsi alternativi di risparmio energetico. Non solo petrolio, ma un oro verde ben più prezioso e duraturo. Questo libro dunque è un libro collettivo, ma ha potuto vedere la luce grazie alla sensibilità di Edizioni Biografiche, casa editrice specializzata in storie di vita, che ha creduto fin da subito all’importanza di questa memoria. Parte dell’investimento nel libro è stato reso possibile grazie alle donazioni di tanta gente durante le serate informative del Comitato nell’estate del 2009 e parte dell’incasso andrà a creare un primo fondo per il Comitato permanente per Sustainable Energy in the Park.
The victory against the well is to read all below it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Po Valley will not return to the office of Regional Councillor

Po Valley would not return to office. But this does not mean that we can return to office a few new companies. Unfortunately, the oil there and sooner or later someone could still advance application to the Ministry to locate it. The world is diverse and preparation of the oil, we might expect a new attack at the heart of Brianza maybe move out of the aims of the Park to renounce Curone.La sudden Po Valley had not convinced me. I was afraid that Australians back with a new instance of correcting the shot. But they will not be to knock them, at least in the short term. Po Valley has in fact issued yesterday a statement updating its plans and prospects for future research. The same update has done it on his website: Bernaga Ossola and also disappeared from the future (in some pages are not updated).
The press you can read here:
Now we must work to thwart any possible future attack even before it is started the same: The next step is the Region of Lombardy, which has so far been silent, at least in official papers.
(pictured above: the prospects for exploration and search for Po Valley updated)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Scottish Nicknames For The English

Press Stefano Galli (Lega Nord)

"The Company Po Valley have had to abandon the research project".
The story of the search for oil in Lecco, addressed the group leader of the Lega Nord in Lombardy, Stefano Galli.
"I can say with certainty that the park and Montevecchia Curone will not take place and no drilling for oil."
"Society Po Valley - give notice to the parent company of the Northern League - has communicated to the Lombardy Region, with a note of August 13, it sent the Ministry of Economic Development will give up the research project for hydrocarbons. The same company has declined to pursue the same procedural process that was still under way in the region. "
" This is a great danger averted, a victory for the environment and for the entire population of that territory. Just because aware of the seriousness of the risks associated with this type of operation, I wanted to monitor the situation, by continuing demand for information about any developments. I had now definitively confirmed that the initiative of the Po Valley company has no future development. "
"I am also satisfied - continua Galli – in quanto le motivate resistenze politiche, dell’opinione pubblica e delle associazioni ambientaliste hanno finito per prevalere su interessi che non avevano nulla a che fare con le ragioni di tutela ambientale e di sviluppo sostenibile del territorio".

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Answers To Wards Ap Lab 4

Theatre Festival "Last summer moon"

Nel territorio del Parco Regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone minacciato, fino ad un mese fa, dal rischio di trivellazioni petrolifere, si tiene dal 28 agosto 2009 al 6 settembre 2009 l'importante Festival Teatrale "L'ultima l'una d'estate", organizzato dall'Associazione "Ultima Luna" con la direzione artistica di Luca Radaelli e Teatro Invito. Ci saranno spettacoli molto interessanti all'interno della natura e dei borghi del Parco, moments as well as wine. Participating allows a particular knowledge of the park, seeing a very important cultural moment. All information can be found on the site .
Who will participate and was not aware of the danger escaped ask you spend a little time to read this blog and the official website of the Committee "No to the Well" ( ). Thanks!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Press the surrender of the Po Valley

The press not only locally, is talking a lot about the surrender of the Po Valley and Edison instance "Bernaga. Here's the review.

Corriere della Sera:

La Repubblica:

Day :
http://www.consonno .it/povalley/doc/090802giorno.pdf

The Province of Lecco - ed. Lecco:


On Poptropica How Do You Get In The Prison

press release on the Po Valley Bernaga

Po Valley Operations has issued a press release on waiver instance "Bernaga. We report two things in particular of the words of Michael Masterman: first talks about "real gas" when it has always talked mainly of oil (perhaps a misprint), second confirms that the aims were to "two former industrial sites "forgetting to mention that he is a former furnace and a former farm in the heart of a Nature Park and a Site of Community Impor protected by the European Community. Here's the
"Milan July 31, 2009 - Po Valley Operations withdrew its request for a license to explore gas called Bernaga submitted in joint venture with Edison.
Michael Masterman, CEO of the Po Valley said
"Part of the project involves Bernaga a park close to a` highly urbanized area and the local authorities have expressed strong concerns about the formal approval of the instance.
"We analyzed these concerns and assessed the risk that the latter could lead to a conclusion of the proceedings without proper procedures of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) were completed. In this context, the project Bernaga could not receive the proper use and impossible was a dialogue with local communities based on evidence. "
"We continue to believe that the exploration activities would involve a very limited area underpinned by the presence of abandoned industrial sites. We regret for what happened also because we are more convinced than ever of the value of the project even in the scenario of an Italy that should seek to ensure energy independence and national exploration with less and less environmental impact. "

On August 3, 2009 a further announcement (in English) which takes part in the press release appeared on the Italian Po Valley site at: ? ReportID = 358575 & _Type = News-Releases & _Title = Joint-Venture-Relinquishes--Exploration Licence-Application-Near-Milan

Lo riportiamo di seguito:
"August 03, 2009
Joint Venture Relinquishes Exploration Licence Application Near Milan

Equal joint venture partners, Po Valley Energy (ASX: "PVE") and Edison, in consultation with Italy's Energy Ministry, have voluntarily relinquished the Bernaga licence application area north of Milan.
Although the joint venture was granted 'preliminary award' of Bernaga (formerly called Ossola) in October 2006, the licence remained at the application stage, awaiting full grant.
"Part of the Bernaga licence area covers a nature reserve close to urban areas, and the approvals process generated local concerns about formal grant of an exploration licence," Po Valley's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Michael Masterman, said today.
"We took note of these concerns and concluded that the prospects for the normal Italian environmental impact evaluation of the Bernaga application, fact-based community consultation, and therefore for full licence grant, were low," Mr Masterman said.
"Exploration within the licence application would have involved minimal environmental impact, including making use of former industrial areas -- backed by Po Valley's track record of conducting our affairs in full compliance and sensitivity with all environmental laws, regulations and values."
"Our decision to withdraw from the Bernaga application Was not made lightly and, while disappointing, Was Judged The Most Practical course of action. "
" The Company remains Convinced of the value to Canada of Partly addressing the ITS energy security through environmentally sensitive domestic exploration. "
Po Valley's other preliminary Awarded Licences in Italy are not impacted.
Mr Masterman Said the Company's commencement Was The main priority in the coming months of ITS first Italian gas production - from the Castle and Sillaro fields.

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renounce the Press Committee of the renunciation of "Po Valley and Edison"

great satisfaction that the mood of all the members of the Committee, "No to the well in the Park Curone" after news of the surrender of the Po Valley. The messages exchanged
in these hours are very pleased to close the case "Bernaga" Company Po Valley on the request by the achievements of exploration wells targeted for oil exploration in our territory. It 's a result of matrix "collective", to which everyone contributed, government, associations, politicians, civic committee and above all many many people: the awareness of people and the unanimous opposition to the government on oil exploration in Lecco are resources that this experience of reasoned opposition, but also determined, and it has generated will help us in pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200ban economic development del territorio compatibile con la sua struttura ambientale e sociale.
Ringraziamo ancora tutti coloro che hanno dato il loro apporto prezioso, in particolare le circa 30.000 persone che ad oggi hanno sottoscritto la petizione.
Infine anche se uno degli obiettivi è stato raggiunto, l’esperienza del Comitato non si conclude qui: resteremo a presidiare l’istanza di altri progetti simili e per diffondere tematiche per la difesa dell'ambiente e la promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile, secondo gli scopi che si è prefisso.
Per festeggiare la grande notizia, questa sera ci ritroviamo per un’assemblea straordinaria alle ore 21 a Cascina Butto a Montevecchia.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Application for permission to search "Bernaga"

Application for permission to search BERNAGA (Ossola) . In a note dated July 30, 2009 the Company Po Valley Operations Pty Ltd (ru), on its own behalf and on behalf of the co-owner Edison SpA, quit the instance of an exploration license originally called "Ossola" and then riperimetrata and called "Bernaga "located in the Region of Lombardy. It is therefore annulled on procedural process of delivery.
This release will be published in No BUIG years LIII 7.
Rome, July 30, 2009
The Director-General: Terlizzi

Also see these links:
http://unmig.sviluppoeconomico / UNMIG / instances / dettaglio.asp? cod = 67

E 'a victory for the territory. Government and the citizens who have said "NO" to search for oil and gas in the Province of Lecco. Remains to be seen if you have won a battle or a war, but it certainly is a victory.

Po Valley, however, could soon submit a new application. But for now declined to one in the pipeline, for which he had only asked two months ago for an extension. It 'clear that what has happened over the territory in these two months has been changing attitudes in society. For now, however, the fixed point is that the proceedings. Expect any notices from the Po Valley to better understand the reasons for the waiver. Thanks to all the Brianza Meratese, when the issues demand it, knows how to be united.

Here is the press release: = 67375 & Section = MAIN

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Public Meeting Wednesday, July 29, 2009 in Lomagna

Lomagna ends in the first series of public meetings related to oil wells in Brianza organized by the "No Committee at the Well". Other appointments will be scheduled after the break agostonana in September.
For appointments Wednesday, July 15, 2009 a Monticello Brianza, di giovedì 16 luglio 2009 a Montevecchia, di venerdì 17 luglio 2009 a Olgiate Molgora, di lunedì 20 luglio 2009 a Osnago e di martedì 21 luglio 2009 a Casatenovo hanno preso parte un centinaio di persone per sera.

Ultimo appuntamento prima delle vacanze:
mercoledì 29 luglio 2009: Lomagna, sala civica di via Roma, ore 21

Questa la scaletta delle serata:

Introduzione del Sindaco Stefano Fumagalli

di Giovanni Zardoni

opportunità, costi e rischi
di Ing. Renato Ornaghi (credits Maria Rita D'Orsogna)

di Alberto Saccardi


Saturday, July 25, 2009

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Mr Press. Lucia Codurelli (PD)

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo questo comunicato dall'on. Lucia Codurelli, relativo alle recenti dichiarazioni del sottosegretario Roberto Castelli (Lega Nord) al Giornale di Merate:

Ho letto con grosso stupore quanto dichiarato dal sottosegretario Castelli: “Sul petrolio garantisco io e le trivelle nel Parco del Curone non arriveranno mai e che se qualcuno volesse forzare la nuova normativa da poco approvata in Parlamento per andare contro la volontà popolare, presenterò un emendamento specifico per salvare il cuore verde della Brianza». (Parole di Castelli)
Il provvedimento implicato che permette di fatto questa possibility is now law, and law thanks to the votes of the alloy, alloy party Castelli, who has done nothing, say nothing to oppose, indeed, has always voted against the amendments from the PD in each step parliamentary amendments to the respecting the role of local authorities - "permission and authorization to be issued upon acquisition of the binding opinion of the competent local authorities for the area." Equally clear
were also the words of the government is not accepted my odg, - "an eventual acceptance would be a stretch for the Government as to envisage the introduction of legislation that would make a binding opinion on the requests of local di coltivazione degli idrocarburi , un precedente ingestibile”.
L’affermazione di Castelli che lui si opporrà, per me è pura propaganda e se qualcuno gli crede…peggio per lui, certamente non ci crede la sottoscritta, anche perché il provvedimento non è frutto di una proposta di legge parlamentare, ma è un disegno di legge governativo, governo di cui Castelli fa parte, non può dunque oggi scaricare su altri la propria responsabilità. Sottolineo che uno degli obbiettivi di quel disegno di legge, oggi legge, “su sviluppo ed energia”, era di accentrare le decisioni, espropriando completamente gli enti locali dal proprio ruolo. Obbiettivo raggiunto grazie alla lega che vota a Roma contro municipalities and then the area is in favor. This is the point, everything else is just words, and also let me tell you, a big joke for everyone.
Another aspect is just as bad for myself that a representative government claims that a law can be rejected, a position which should make everyone think about the meaning of the statement of the Secretary. Constitutional rules if they do not care, teaching and example comes from above his head! An idea of \u200b\u200bthe policy is unacceptable to me, the rules, the example must come first from those who represent the institutions must assume all the responsibilities, both in Rome and in Lecco. Castles should immediately saw that he did before, other than amendment, immediately ask the Ministry of Economic Development archives that definitively search requests liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons known as "Ossola" and "Bernaga.

Hon Lucia Codurelli

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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replication in Old Pierluigi Giulia Maria Crespi

Pierluigi Old Geologist, program manager of the Po Valley, has posted some clarifications to the Corriere della Sera after the interview of the President of FAI, Giulia Maria Crespi, reported in the previous post . The following is written by the Old:
"In reference to 'article in the Courier of July 20 and showing an' interview with Giulia Maria Crespi, President of the FAI would like to clarify quotation marks shows that the incorrect information that should be clarified. In particular:
1) "Po Valley, 50% owned by Edison." Po Valley is not entirely owned by Edison. The two companies are just in a joint venture in this project.
2) The plan is described as approved because "it was declared of public utility." In reality, Po Valley has not received any permission: he followed the 'current legislative process and is waiting for local authorities to give their opinion.
3) "Oil there! Resulting in emission of sulfuric acid which will have a 'intoxicating action in' arc of ten kilometers, with the problem of sludge disposal. " We always talk about where oil could be natural gas. The oil has never been found nor is able to establish its presence in the territory without specific analysis. Analysis that were not approved. Moreover, the supposed problems of sulfuric acid and sludge disposal are just that, "alleged" and here he speaks as if they were inevitable consequences of 'activities Po Valley. Po Valley is an Italian company that is part of a multinational and adopt Australian standards of quality and safety to 'avant-garde. No damage has ever occurred in projects from the Po Valley in 12 years of activity on our territory. "
A rejoinder:
1) was aware that the Po Valley and Edison Gas has only a joint venture (50/50%) on the research permit" Ossola "today" Bernaga ", which among other things arose from a settlement agreement.
2) the fact that Po Valley and Edison Gas have not yet had permission to search permission, it should be noted that:
- Po Valley is firmly convinced of obtaining the permit, as its CEO Michael Masterman said recently to some Australian newspapers;
- Po Valley, despite the already expressed and reiterated its opposition to all local authorities involved have requested and received a second suspension of the investigation by the Ministry of Economic Development;
- if you really did not mean Po Valley, taking into account the negative opinion of the Local Authorities, to continue the request does not have to do is give it up.
3) Po Valley has always declared that it can not be sure that there is underground gas or oil until it achieves the exploration well. In any case, the geophysical evaluations seem to indicate an oil field, which Po Valley itself, the last presentation to investors published on its Web site, estimates that 75 million barrels. Australian newspapers on the same aforementioned Mr. Masterman always, these days, states "to obtain assurance about the possible extraction areas Rovagnate Negrino and, if we estimate to be 95 million barrels of OIL (oil) ".

Sunday, July 19, 2009

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The FAI (Italian Environment Fund) against Wells

The President of the Italian Environment Fund ( ), Giulia Maria Crespi, has declared against the project "Po Valley" in an interview published today in Corriere della Sera, which you can read here:
The Italian Touring Club is interested in the story.
Below is the excerpt from the interview:
" What are you referring in particular to Mrs. Crespi?
"I have many more examples just to grieve to think. In Lombardy, in the heart of the park Curone, that is still well preserved in Brianza, a beautiful park of 2,700 hectares, is ready for a feasibility study to enable the Australian company Australian Po Valley, 50% owned by Edison, to extract oil . Oil there! Resulting in emission of sulfuric acid which will intoxicating action within ten miles, with the problem of sludge disposal. All 21 municipalities of any color, and the province of Lecco protest but have no power to block the plan because it was declared of public utility! As you can imagine all this? ".

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continuing public meetings of the PDL

continuing public meetings on land information relating to each other, "Po Valley".
For appointments Wednesday, July 15, 2009 in Monticello Brianza, to Thursday, July 16, 2009 at Montevecchia and Friday, July 17, 2009 Olgiate Molgora took part in a hundred people a night.
These are the upcoming events (starting at 21):

Monday, July 20, 2009: Osnago, civic hall "Sandro Pertini" (next to City Hall)
download the flyer: http://www . / povalley / doc / osnago.pdf

Tuesday, July 21, 2009: Casatenovo, Villa Mariani, via Don Buttafava (Galgiana)
download the flyer:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009: Lomagna, Civic Hall Street Rome

This lineup of the evening: Introduction


John Zardoni

opportunities, costs and risks of Mr. Renato Ornaghi (credits Maria Rita D ' Orsogna)

Alberto Saccardi


Friday, July 17, 2009

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Press Provincial Press

"The convergence of the attempts and evaluations of all the political forces present in the Provincial Council, in a single, common point was a moment of high political and institutional responsibility. Adoption of this clean and clear policy document is strengthened not only the defense of the environmental value of the Park and Montevecchia Curone Lecco and the same, but also the establishment Province, which has proven to know how to take charge and responsibly to the bottom of the rightful place for the protection of the territory.
reading the premise of the motion approved - those that follow in large part the result of policy groups and PDL LEGA -, it is clear that the final position is not the result of blind un'oltranzista and environmental-ecological struggle - those who unfortunately have done so many times to creating unacceptable situations of impasse in our country - but rather the result of careful consideration of conflicting interests, the exploitation of energy resources, on the one hand and the protection of an area of \u200b\u200bgreat natural and environmental value that is the pride of our provincial reality. "
Head Group PDL, Ermanno Buzzi
Provincial Councillor PDL, Christian Malighetti

Thursday, July 16, 2009

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of minorities in provincial council

The County Council says no excavation of the oil wells, and off the Park Curone.
"We express great satisfaction with the vote by which the County Council Wednesday unanimously expressed opposition to the excavation of oil fields, in parks, protected areas, areas subject to entry and throughout the Brianza.
Thanks to our request to the agenda of the Council was brought into question the motion prepared by the committee opposing the well, which was initially included in the first call.
Most had instead submitted an alternative motion that limited the opinion only contrary to Curone Park and protected areas, avoiding any expression concerning the remainder Brianza, highly urbanized and inhabited.
's insistence and the pressure of public opinion of the Committee and our Board Groups, led the majority to accept the additional proposals presented to us - highlighted in the text that we attach - eliminating any doubt about the opposition to any suggestion of location of wells and research emphasizing the centrality of renewable energy sources.
After the expression of opposition to 25,000 citizens, municipal councils and now the Province of Lecco, we expect an acknowledgment dell'inopportunità to continue with the project of the Po Valley, and we expect that the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of the Economic Development meet, finally, the will of the territory and finally archivino requests for oil exploration "Ossola" and "Bernaga.
Voting is an important first step but the game is not closed, care should be taken to prevent surprise attacks of upper bodies, so far proven to be particularly sensitive to the interests of oil companies.
mobilization must continue increasing the number of signatures collected for all citizens and explaining what are the risks and consequences of an oil well in a densely populated and urbanized as the Brianza.
Virginio Brivio Coordinator Council Groups
Italo Bruseghini Parent Democratic Party
Alessandro Pozzi Parent Left and Freedom
Valsecchi Parent Giancarlo Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
Rocco Cardamone Parent Positive Action

Denise Milani Complete Sets

request for a hearing in the Lombardy Region

After the resolution of the Province , should be involved in the Lombardy region, also because it will be the only local entity that will participate in the process of granting delegate permission to search after the last legislative change.
Regional Councillor Carlo Spreafico (PD) has requested a hearing on the matter. Riportimo below the press release.

Oil in the Valley of Curone
SPREAFICO (PD): "NOW a joint hearing to address the situation" urgent
The convening of a joint hearing of the Committee Board for Production and Environment Committee. The topic: the drilling permit, to search for oil in the regional park and the Valley of Montevecchia Curone, granted to the Company Po Valley by the Ministry of Economic Development. Asks Carlo Spreafico, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, in a letter to the chairmen of two committees "instigation of the mayors of the territory," says the request.
"We would like gather possible before the end of July - says Spreafico - to better understand the issues inherent in the delicate situation that has arisen. "
Those invited to the hearing are asked to Spreafico Alessandro Brambilla, Mayor of Olgiate Molgora, Marco Panzeri, Mayor of Rovagnate, and Paul Strina, Mayor of Osnago, representing the coordination of the mayors of the territory; Eugenio Mascheroni, president of the park Montevecchia and Curone Valley, the Province of Lecco, the National Mining Office for Hydrocarbons and Geothermal Energy of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Po Valley Operation Company Pty Limited.

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Press release of President Daniel Nava

President Daniel Nava Province met on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 15, 2009 a delegation from the committee opposing the shaft and President Alberto Saccardi.
Following the meeting, the President of the Province said he was willing to actively support and advocate for thanking the Committee for the great support they are giving provincial and territorial administration.
The Province intends to participate actively, both through initiatives related to institutional channels provided by law, either through a comparison with all public and private institutions that have sought to develop the debate concerning the question of the Po Valley. "
is therefore considered appropriate that the adoption of initiatives aimed at oil exploration should be harmonized with the need to protect the environment and landscape, in particular - as irrelevant to the matter under consideration - the protected areas, they identified and defined by regional legislation. Among these areas fall
parks, which governs regional ranking is currently being revised.
"With this in mind - says Daniel Nava - is considered a priority the protection of the environment with sustainable development of the territory which does not affect the state of complete physical, mental and social health of populations. E 'in this context that fits the decision of the Provincial Council which expresses total opposition to that action is taken in exploratory drilling in protected areas of the province of Lecco in the Regional Park and Montevecchia Curone Valley and in areas of Lecco, as well as in areas subject to specific constraint environmental landscape. "
"A positive result, consistent with the objectives that the committee has set itself - said Alberto Saccardi, chairman of NO to the Well - A sincere thanks to all the provincial directors, group leaders and the President for having expressed unanimously on an important and sensitive issue for our region. "

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Committee "No to the shaft in the Park Curone "

Montevecchia, July 16, 2009 The Committee
" No Park in the well Curone "welcomes the approval by the Provincial Council of OdG the sidewalls. The vote took place yesterday comforts us is the clear position at the provincial level to the proposed drilling of the Park, with the important extension to the entire Lecco, both for the unitary character of the decision, the result, as stated by the same President Nava, collaboration and discussion with the Committee and between the forces of majority and minority.
After the event on Sunday to Bagaggera (over 2000 people, 26 municipalities, a dozen associations, gathered 1,300 signatures on the petition) and the political decision of the Board province, we have further confirmation of the will of the majority of citizens and their representatives to commit to the protection of our territory.
We are aware that the path ahead is still long, but the perception of being part of a compact group reinforces our commitment to continue to fight in every way because it is carried out well, nor in any park or outside the Park.
remember that the committee's efforts continue in the coming days with the participation of the public meetings organized by different municipalities: tonight Montevecchia, 17 Olgiate Molgora, 20 Osnago, 21 to Casatenovo.
Committee "No to the well in the Park Curone"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cargo Planes For Sale

The Provincial Council is against oil exploration in the Province of Lecco by unanimous vote

After a long day of mediation from the council chamber of the Province of Lecco arrived yesterday evening, waiting for more news: the Provincial Council has found unanimous agreement on a resolution that expresses absolute opposition to the drilling to search for oil throughout Province.
A result of "bipartisan" and weight, very important and long sought after the resolution, also unanimously, the Assembly of the Consortium Curone Park last Monday. The various municipalities in the
meratese and casatese, both center-center-right, have pledged to approve a resolution to that effect. With resolution of the Provincial Council last night gave "the totale contrarietà a che si proceda a perforazioni esplorative all'interno delle aree protette del territorio della Provincia di Lecco e, in particolare, nel Parco Regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone e nelle aree della Brianza Lecchese, nonchè nelle aree sottoposte a specifico vincolo paesaggistico ambientale apposto con Decreto Ministeriale del 1967".
Potete trovare la delibera completa in .pdf a questo link:
Il territorio si sta unendo intorno all'importante obiettivo di respingere l'iniziativa di Po Valley ed Edison: forte anche della importante partecipazione dei cittadini (oltre 20 mila) alla petizione promossa dal Comitato "No al Well. "Even
informative public meetings are crowded. Cernusco After Lombardone and Monticello Brianza, today, Thursday, July 16, 2009, will be the turn of Montevecchia (Bis Casetta Via del Fontanile area, sports facilities, 21 hours) and tomorrow, Friday July 17, 2009, Olgiate Molgora (civic hall of the Supreme Picenardi avenue, at 21).

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Daniel Nava met the Committee and the minority view of the Provincial Council

The President of the Province of Lecco Daniel Nava asked to meet today, in view of the Provincial Council scheduled for 18:30 of the order day of which there are two motions (one of the majority and other minority) on the request "Po Valley", the President of "No to Pit, Alberto Saccardi.
Meeting Saccardi occurred in the afternoon and reiterated the need to Nava that the decision of the Provincial Council protects from drilling areas both inside and outside the Parks. The current proposed resolution by the Committee and endorsed by the minority center-right path, while the alternative proposal yesterday in the center-right majority called for the protection of those areas within the Parks.
First Provincial Council was held also a meeting of Nava and the minority in order to reach an agreement on a common resolution: the agreement is desirable as is appropriate for the battle, after the stretch felt in Rome, is brought forward across the board until at least level provinciale e, spero di non chiedere troppo, regionale. Ma questa è un'altra storia.
La maggioranza sembra disponibile ad inserire nell'ordine del giorno oltre alla richiesta di tutela per i Parchi anche per "le aree limitrofe" ma la minoranza chiede che la tutela venga estesa perlomeno a tutta la Brianza lecchese.
Ulteriori aggiornamenti nelle prossime ore e durante l'assemblea pubblica prevista per le 21 a Monticello Brianza.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

George Washington Covenant Belt

Invitation to the Provincial Council today, Wednesday, July 15, 2009, in Lecco

Nella serata di oggi si terrà, alle ore 18.30, presso il palazzo della Provincia posto nella piazza della stazione ferroviaria di Lecco il Consiglio Provinciale.
All'ordine del giorno è prevista la discussione di due mozioni riguardanti the story "Po Valley", one of the minority (center) and a majority (PDL and Lega Nord). The two motions, as you can read below, are extremely diverse and objectively.
The motion of the minority, is essentially given by the "No to Pit and the deliberate release Monday night by the Consortium of Curone Park, and demands the immediate closure of the application of research Bernaga", suggesting they are authorized oil drilling in the entire province of Lecco.

The motion puts the preservation of the majority only in the territory of the regional parks, leaving di fatto campo libero a "Po Valley" per le aree esterne ai Parchi.

Come si è già detto l'incidenza di una perforazione petrolifera è eccessiva per tutto il territorio provinciale, non solo per il Parco. Non resta che sperare nel buon senso e che passi una delibera che vada nella direzione richiesta dal Comitato.
I Sindaci del meratese ed alcuni membri del Comitato si recheranno a Lecco per assistere al Consiglio Provinciale (la seduta è pubblica). Tutte le persone che hanno a cuore il problema e possono recarsi a Lecco lo facciano: con il treno sono sufficienti da Cernusco Lombardone solo 23 minuti e ci si trova esattamente davanti al palazzo della Provincia.

Ricordiamo infine l'appuntamento di questa sera per l'assemblea pubblica presso la biblioteca comunale di Monticello Brianza, in via Sirtori n. 12, alle ore 21.

Chevy Lumina Engine Diagram

intervention of the Provincial Alessandro Pozzi

Riportiamo di seguito un intervento del Consigliere Provinciale di "Sinistra e Libertà" Alessandro Pozzi sul tema "Po Valley", in vista del Consiglio Provinciale di questa sera.
"In seguito all'approvazione del ddl 1441 e alla bocciatura dell'emendamento presentato dalla Sen. Mazzucconi, la battaglia per la difesa del territorio ha più che mai assunto un carattere eminentemente politico, rivelando le vere intenzioni delle forze di maggioranza che, dopo aver gridato alla "bufala" ed aver spent words to the protection of the territory in the election campaign, are now to support partisan positions without too many nuances that suggest the possibility of installing equipment for oil exploration in areas outside the perimeter of the park.
On 29 / 6, the Committee "No to the oil well in the Valley of Curone" in the Province and forwarded to the Park, a draft resolution that requires "express a negative opinion on the possible installation of wells for hydrocarbon exploration in the Valley of Curone and in the territory of Lecco and to put pressure at the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Economic Development so that the practice is finally closed. " The same text was voted on Monday by the Park Curone, while most of the councils of the meratese approved before the summer break: it is, in fact, a OdG "neutral and minimalist," devoid of any reference to political events of last week.
Despite this, the majority led by Nava sought to ignore the decision of the Committee (which has since been revived by the forces of minority under Article. 51 c.3 c.2 of the Rules of the Provincial Council which allows the inclusion of deliberations on the agenda not provided), presenting today a draft resolution alternative, which is given below the text:

Come è possibile constatare dal testo della delibera, dopo le iniziali considerazioni sulla "dipendenza energetica dell'Italia dagli altri Paesi europei" e sulla necessità di "sviluppare strutture idonee ad ampliare lo sfruttamento delle risorse energetiche presenti sul territorio" (non vi è cenno delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili!) viene espressa "contrarietà a che si proceda a perforazioni esplorative all'interno delle aree protette del territorio della Provincia di Lecco".
Se questa dovesse essere confermata quale linea politica dell'attuale maggioranza, i rischi che gli impianti di ricerca ed estrazione vengano installati nelle aree direttamente adiacenti al territorio del parco si fanno più che concreti: considerando infatti il perimetro previsto dall'istanza di perforazione in capo a Po Valley, in relazione al perimetro tutelato dal Parco, le aree disponibili si limiterebbero a poche zone, prime tra tutte quelle inserite nei Comuni di Merate, Cernusco Lombardone ed Olgiate Molgora.
Nel tardo pomeriggio di oggi, la maggioranza consiliare ha chiesto un incontro con i rappresentanti dell'opposizione (l'incontro si terrà nel pomeriggio di mercoledì) per cercare di trovare un accordo unitario sul testo della delibera. Guardando favorevolmente all'opporunità presentata, ritengo che un eventuale nuovo testo non possa comunque prescindere dal considerare quali oggetto di tutela anche le aree esterne al perimetro del Parco, essendo l'intero Brianza Lecco inadequate to accommodate an intervention of this nature.
After attending mass at the event last Sunday, the mayors and representatives of the Committee of meratese take part in the Provincial Council to be held Wednesday afternoon, giving further evidence of the desire to defend the territory until the end of our municipalities to exercise- As far as possible-a function of pressure, information and monitoring.
After the events of the last two weeks, it seems obvious but what are the positions in the field: those who are deployed for homeland defense, and others with "a few words and many facts" (so read the pre-election slogan of Nava) puts jeopardize the safety. "
Alessandro Pozzi
Parent Left and Freedom in the Provincial Council

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do Male Glory Holes Exist

Il Blog e' Morto

It 's other unfortunately will follow' the same end ...

Maybe my way of enjoying music and 'changed, perhaps, as the artists' work always deserves to be treated with the utmost seriousness ', and' useless starsela also drove too.

Music for me is turning into entertainment, no more 'cause for almost life or death as a time. Although obviously escort 'for my life forever and I will excite' and / or move you 'always listening to its beautiful melodies.

Now I love the 'genius' of iTunes. Lately I choose 'Looking For The Heart Of A Saturday Night' by Tom Waits and then I choose to programma. Quante emozioni, ma non mi va minimamente di scriverne. E' inutile, non mi da' piu' soddisfazioni. 

Scorrono in una sequenza fenomenale Lou Reed, Lucinda Williams, Bob Dylan, Buddy Holly, The Byrds, My Morning Jacket, Whiskeytown, Costello, Springsteen, The Waterboys, R.E.M., Bright Eyes, Wilco, Cowboys Junkies, etc... etc... etc... 

Canzoni grandiose, ma che occompagnano il pasto, o il viaggio. Niente piu' seghe mentali sul fatto che i Waterboys non sono stati piu' gli stessi dalla dipartita di Wickam (ne tanto meno dal suo ritorno). 

Chi minchia se ne fotte, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll.