Counting Crows, Town Hall, NYC, September 18th 2007
C'e' parecchia eccitazione nell'area. Gli occhi degli spettatori sembrano dire 'sono felice'. I sorrisi e le parole scambiate nervosamente mentre si attende l'inizio dello show tradiscono la coolness della tipica NYC crowd. Ragazzi e ragazze la cui eta' media non supera i 30 anni, per il 95% tutti membri del fan club dei Counting Crows che e' riuscito ad accaparrarsi la quasi totalita' dei 1495 tagliandi a disposizione. Tutti sanno che se va tutto bene, sara' una serata memorable.
I stop to check the time while the show and 'already' in 20 minutes delayed. All but 'seems to be ready ...... and so the lights go down .....' Lean on Me' sounds on speakers, and Counting Crows, the only band for which I can say''I c 'I', beginning his career as the next tour, takes the stage. And then the dream began. The guitarist David Bryson attacked the famous riff of 'Round Here' that the celebrations for the publication of deluxe version of 'August And Everything After' , the debut album by the band, and the monster that has proven to eat them.
unknown bar band from San Francisco, 7 million albums sold in the U.S. alone. One of those miracoli del mondo discografico dove quantita' corrisponde a qualita'.
Famosi per inserire riferimenti o accenni all'interno delle proprie canzoni dal vivo, e a espanderle, arriva 'Raining in Baltimore' nella sua interezza e malinconia che, se possibile, aumenta l'impatto emotivo della canzone di apertura. E quando a seguire e' 'Omaha' il programma e' chiaro, e confermato. L'intero disco sara' suonato, dall'inizio alla fine.
Adam e' di buon umore, la serata e' perfetta, ci fa cantare il ritornello, e' felice. Durante 'Mr.Jones', la canzone che li ha consegnati alle masse, e che descrive il desiderio di diventare famosi, 'Bob Dylan', e di poter vedere se stessi in televisione, si e' tutti finalmente in piedi. Adam
thanks and salutes, remembers the sessions of the first disc, and introduces his favorite song, 'Perfect Blue Buildings', while the LED lights in the background reproduce the skyline of Lower Manhattan, including towers. The mention of 'Sometimes It Snows In April' by Prince and 'incredibile.Ci are video cameras to film the event, and everything is going so amazingly well that there is no doubt that the finished product will see' the light of the sun.
I stop to check the time while the show and 'already' in 20 minutes delayed. All but 'seems to be ready ...... and so the lights go down .....' Lean on Me' sounds on speakers, and Counting Crows, the only band for which I can say''I c 'I', beginning his career as the next tour, takes the stage. And then the dream began. The guitarist David Bryson attacked the famous riff of 'Round Here' that the celebrations for the publication of deluxe version of 'August And Everything After' , the debut album by the band, and the monster that has proven to eat them.
unknown bar band from San Francisco, 7 million albums sold in the U.S. alone. One of those miracoli del mondo discografico dove quantita' corrisponde a qualita'.
Famosi per inserire riferimenti o accenni all'interno delle proprie canzoni dal vivo, e a espanderle, arriva 'Raining in Baltimore' nella sua interezza e malinconia che, se possibile, aumenta l'impatto emotivo della canzone di apertura. E quando a seguire e' 'Omaha' il programma e' chiaro, e confermato. L'intero disco sara' suonato, dall'inizio alla fine.
Adam e' di buon umore, la serata e' perfetta, ci fa cantare il ritornello, e' felice. Durante 'Mr.Jones', la canzone che li ha consegnati alle masse, e che descrive il desiderio di diventare famosi, 'Bob Dylan', e di poter vedere se stessi in televisione, si e' tutti finalmente in piedi. Adam
thanks and salutes, remembers the sessions of the first disc, and introduces his favorite song, 'Perfect Blue Buildings', while the LED lights in the background reproduce the skyline of Lower Manhattan, including towers. The mention of 'Sometimes It Snows In April' by Prince and 'incredibile.Ci are video cameras to film the event, and everything is going so amazingly well that there is no doubt that the finished product will see' the light of the sun.
Sitting in front of us, a parent 40 years on and 'very emotional, and so as my eyes shine for a version as usual incredible' Anna Begins', he sinks his head in his hands, just above the knees, throughout the song. Beside him a young boy di circa 12 anni, che ogni tanto abbraccia. 'I'm not ready for these sort of things' e' il verso che rappresenta 'Anna Begins', un brano sull'impossibilita' di un amore duraturo, o al quale e' possibile dedicarsi. E cosi mi immagino che quel ragazzo sia il risultato proprio di quel tipo di relazione, l'eta' e' quasi giusta, e per il padre il felice incontro con l'eta' 'adulta', fatta di responsabilita' e sacrifici e gioie fino ad allora sconosciute.
'Time and Time Again' mi da il tempo per ricompormi e poi di nuovo tutti a ballare per 'Rain King', che contiene per intero una riuscitissima versione di 'Thunder Road' che non sono l'unico a cantare parola per parola. I 'Bruuuuuuuuce' si sprecano alla fine della canzone e il mio cervello pensa brevemente all'inizio imminente del tour e ai concerti di Asbury della prossima settimana, ma questa sera non vorrei essere da nessun altra parte al mondo. Nessuna, tanto e' tutto perfetto. 'Sullivan Street' contiene un bellissimo intermezzo di 'Runaway' dove, come al solito, l'attenzione e' rivolta sulla difficolta' di una relazione amorosa (Does she want to run away ?).
Quando la band suona 'Ghost Train' non posso far altro che realizzare che tra poco il teatro espodera' nuovamente per 'A Murder Of One', la perfetta canzone di chiusura del disco, e del set.
Potente ed estesa nel finale con l'inclusione di 'Doris Day' della band Sordid Humor (dei which also 'Private Archipelago' has been mentioned in 'Round Here') has always been one of the 'tag' your favorite Counting Crows. As usual it is for the audience scream when the band's name is mentioned in the text ('as you Stood there Counting Crows!) And counting the' crows' with the fingers ....: One for sorrow, two for joy , three for girls, four for boys, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret Never to Be Told. And this evening ritual 'was consumed.
now, and 'emotionally clear that there' so we can go beyond that to which you are 'just witnessed, so for a Counting Crows choose to play 5 new songs. Good choice / obligation also the prediction of the DVD, which I imagine will go 'on sale at the beginning of the next tour in spring 2008. As you know 'the new album, due out in November, will be' composed of a first part, 'Saturday Night', sounds very electric, I'll talk 'of' sins and folly 'and a second part, almost acoustic' Sunday Mornings ', that will' deal with the consequences of the 'night before'. The band alternated 3 tracks from 'Saturday Night', the beautiful 'Cowboys', the less successful' Hanging Tree 'and the excellent' Come Around 'on 2 of the' Sunday morning ',' Washington Square 'and the impressive' I Dreamed Of Michelangelo 'Adam says he is finally able to end after 10 years of gestation (Song title, and the idea in general, it is already 'in' Angels Of The Silences' is the second album by Counting Crows ).
The group leaves the stage while still adds 3 microphones and here the band 'fuck' in a good sense of the word, with the Low Star, awesome and I personally do not already 'seen at tribute to Springsteen Carnegie Hall, and the singer, I suppose, of Dashboard Confessional. Guests are, however, 'to create delicious harmonies on acoustics' Angels Of The Silences 'in the same version of VH1 Storyteller, published on ' Across The Wire ', and to give an atmosphere of intimacy' and friendship for set Final basically 'unplugged', the evening.
'Meet On The Ledge' Fairport Convention 'Ballad Of El Good', the favorite song of the band's favorite Adam Duritz, Big Star, and the final, celebratory 'You Is not Going Nowhere' the master, Bob Dylan.
The evening 'over, the party speakers' California Dreaming', Adam Duritz stops for a moment on stage to lead the chorus of the public on the famous song by the Mamas & Papas, and greets you at the next one year.
Finally the Counting Crows are back, dealt with the demons, tales, and defeated through the gleaming Times Square and 'how to be awakened from a dream.
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