Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Do You Find The Papers In Poptropica

Scoperte onde magnetiche vicino ai pori solari

The Sun is woven from a complex network of magnetic field lines that are responsible for a wide variety of attractive features, some of which are observable in its atmosphere.

Large dark regions, called "pore", which seem to holes on the surface of the Sun, mark out areas where the magnetic field goes deeper, bringing out even more hot material rising in the atmosphere then a one million temperaturadi degrees. The largest of these dark regions are called "sunspots" (solar spot) and have been known and studied as early as 364 BC
Led by Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, Head of Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC) at the University of Sheffield, the team studied a much smaller magnetic region of a sunspot, whose size, however, far exceeded that of the United Kingdom.

Their research, published in the Astrophysical Journal, showed that the observed pore, is able to channel the energy generated deep within the Sun along the field magnetic upper atmosphere.

The magnetic field emerging through the pore is greater than 1,000 times the Earth's magnetic field energy. The energy is delivered in a very particular form of waves, known as "sausage waves" ', which scientists were able to observe the solar observatory ROSA (Rapid Oscillation Atmospheric and Solar), which was designed by Queen's University Belfast and is operating at the Dunn Solar Telescope, Sacramento Peak in the USA.

This is the first direct observation of "waves of sausage on the solar surface. The magnetic
hole is known to increase and decrease in measuring the characteristics of these periodic waves sausage.
The team of experts, including Dr. Richard Morton at the University of Sheffield, as well as Professor Mihalis Mathioudakis and Dr. David Jess from Queen's University of Belfast, they hope that these giant magnetic holes have an important role in revealing unsolved secrets about the Sun's coronal heating

This is because the solar surface has a temperature of several thousand degrees, but the solar corona, the outermost, mysteriously, is heated to temperatures that are often thousands of times hotter surface.
The phenomenon of the temperature rise in the atmosphere of the Sun as you move farther from the center of energy production, which is located below the surface, is a great mystery of astrophysics. The results, which demonstrate the transfer of energy on a large scale, offer a new explanation for this puzzle.

The team now hopes to use the images provided by the sun rose for understanding the magnetic substructure of these huge holes and see what's inside of them. Professor Robertus von Fay
-Siebenburgen, said: "This is an exciting new discovery, in line with a series of discoveries in recent years by the team. It 's the first time that" the waves sausage were made with a detail like that. By analyzing these waves, we get closer and closer to understanding the physical mechanisms of the atmosphere stars.

Photo above: In this ultraviolet image, the gas at the photosphere is dark, indicating a temperature of thousands of degrees. While flowing above the photosphere, along the lines of the magnetic field, the gas is heated (somewhat) at temperatures of over a million degrees. emits ultraviolet radiation and X-ray

Arthur McPaul


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cervix Just Before Menstruation

Osservati dischi di formazione planetaria in due stelle

I pianeti si formano in dischi di gas e polveri che circondano le giovani stelle. Gli astronomi sono stati in grado di ottenere, per la prima volta, immagini dettagliate di tali dischi protoplanetari attorno a due stelle, grazie al telescopio Subaru delle Hawaii. Le immagini rivelano con chiarezza caratteristiche come gli anelli e le lacune presenti che sono associate con la formazione di pianeti giganti.

Le osservazioni fanno parte di una indagine sistematica per la ricerca di pianeti attorno a stelle con dischi di formazione planetaria, condotta grazie ad una telecamera ad elevato contrasto progettata specificamente per questo scopo.
I sistemi planetari come il nostro formed by the force of gravity which collects the gas and dust made by the advanced star formation in a dense, flattened disk of material orbiting the star. The same force of gravity of the denser material around nuclei to form heavier compression of dense bodies, called planets. Recent years have seen substantial progress in both observations (mostly indirect) and in the development of theoretical models on the disks "protoplanetary". The two intriguing new observations have added new details to reveal some structures that had never been seen directly.

The first of the two stars is observed LkCa 15, which is located about 450 light years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. With a few million years of age, LkCa 15 is a young star from the Sun is a thousand times older. From previous observations of its infrared spectrum and analysis of its emissions, scientists have inferred the presence of a large gap in the center of its protoplanetary disk. The new images show the starlight shining off the disk surface, which outline clearly for the first time the cutting edge. Even more interesting is the elliptical shape of the gap that is not centered on the star, but it is lopsided.

"The most likely explanation for the gap LkCa disk 15 and in particular its asymmetry, is that one or more planets, newborn from the material of the disc, have swept away the gas and dust along their orbits, "says Christian Thalmann, who led the study at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA). Interestingly, the gap in the disk is large enough to accommodate all the orbits of the planets in our Solar System. LkCa It is assumed therefore that 15 might be about to form a whole planetary system similar to ours. "We have not yet found the same kinds of planets," said Thalmann, "but this may change soon."
The second observation stellar, led by Jun Hashimoto (National Observatory of Japan), focused on AB Aur in constellation, at a distance of 470 light years from Earth. This star is even younger, with an age of only one million years. Even the earliest observations showed length scales comparable to the size of our solar system, with a ring of material inclined with respect to the equatorial plane of the disk, curiously, is not distributed symmetrically around the star, with irregular features that indicate the presence of at least one planet very solid.
The observations made with the instrument HiCIAO installed on the 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope corrects distortion of Earth's atmosphere and physically block most of the light from the star, allowing you to see which ones that exist around it.
The observations are part of SEEDS project, an acronym for Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru.

Photo above: L 'image above, taken with the camera installed on HiCIAO Subaru Telescope shows a bright arc of diffuse light (white) from the protoplanetary disk around the young star LkCa 15 ( the center, masked with a dark circle). E ' an arc cutting the edge of the internal shape with a large gap in the disk. The gap is very unbalanced and is much wider on the left side, and was probably dug by one or more planets orbiting the star babies. (Credit: Copyright MPIA (Christian Thalmann) & NAOJ) .

Translation by Arthur McPaul


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black Bumps On Scrotum

L'acqua lunare contiene sodio

Ice recently discovered water on the bottom of a crater near the moon's south pole is accompanied by metallic elements such as mercury, magnesium, calcium and trace amounts of silver. Now you can add to the mix also sodium, according to Dr. Rosemary Killen of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

The recent discovery of significant deposits of water on the moon were nothing short of amazing geological view of its troubled history. Heavy bombardment by asteroids in the first phase of his life and because of its weak gravity and the strong solar radiation, has been deprived of almost all of its atmosphere.

This made the lunar surface dry and arid.
However, due to the orientation of the Moon from the Sun, scientists have theorized that the cluster would deep craters in permanent shadow, and then very cold, so as to retain volatile substances like water from cometary impacts or chemical reactions with hydrogen, one of the main components of the solar wind.

On 9 October 2009, NASA's Lunar Crater Observation of the impact and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) in the region permanently shadowed crater Cabeus confirmed that a surprisingly high number of water ice is present together with small amounts of many other elements, including metal.

LCROSS was launched June 18, 2009 as a mission partner of the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After separating from LRO, LCROSS probe has entered a series of orbits around the Earth.
After driving for about 113 days nearly 5.6 million miles (9,000,000 kilometers), LCROSS and the Centaur rocket split over the impact on the moon and reach the ground and explode, LCROSS and LRO spacecraft observed with their instruments board. Were collected about four minutes of data from the first impact with the LCROSS lunar surface.
Killen and his team looked at the impact of the LCROSS Solar Telescope McMath-Pierce at the National Solar Observatory in Tucson, Arizona. They are
were the only team able to see the results of the impact from the ground.

impacts have vaporized material from the crater floor Cabeus, including water and sodium. After the steam plume rose to about 800 meters (about 2,600 meters) high enough to remove the shadow from the edge of the crater, the sun's light has stimulated the sodium atoms, causing them to issue a yellow-orange glow. A high resolution spectrometer, Echelle, attached to the telescope has detected this unique glow. The instrument separates light into its colors and pressed to identify those materials issued by the colors when excited by radiation or by other events in space.

The spectrometer observed the sky through a narrow slit to separate the colors, but the team then had to assume the shape and temperature of the plume and estimated the total amount of sodium released from the impact. Using a computer model and data from other instruments on LRO and LCROSS, the team calculated that have been issued by one to two kilograms (about 2.2 to 4.4 pounds) of sodium.
"This is the 1-2 per cent of the amount of water released from the impacts," said Killen. "Our oceans have a comparable amount of sodium to water ratio, about one per cent" (The amount of ash depends on the temperature derived from observations taken steam).
The presence of these large amounts of sodium raises the question whether it can be reached on the lunar surface by cometary impacts and then trapped in permanently shadowed regions, where it was then frozen.

The solar wind carries small amounts of sodium, which could have become an integral part of the lunar surface and may have been released from lunar rocks, which own about 0.4 percent sodium. Sodium may also have been released from lunar rocks by impacts of meteoroids. (LCROSS impacts do not have enough energy to vaporize the rock, so it is unlikely that the plume of sodium vapor is just came from rocks at the impact site, according to Killen).

"The two percent sodium water is consistent with the amount of sodium in comets, so maybe most of the sodium and water from cometary impacts," said Killen. Although only a 'hypothesis, it is possible that comes from a different source or even from a variety of sources, including lunar volatiles trapped in the cold by chemical processes with the interaction of the solar wind with the surface. "The best evidence for a cometary origin could only be an analysis of isotopes of hydrogen lunar water, concludes Killen.

Isotopes are versions of an element with different weights, o masse. Ad esempio, un atomo di deuterio è una versione più pesante di un atomo di idrogeno comune, perché ha una particella extra,  un neutrone, nel suo nucleo centrale. Il deuterio può essere sostituito con l'idrogeno in una molecola d'acqua, ma è molto meno comune e la sua concentrazione varia  nel Sistema Solare. Se il deuterio è nello stesso rapporto con l'idrogeno presente nel ghiaccio delle comete, è possibile l'acqua provenga da impatti cometari.
Dal momento che le comete sono come "palle di neve sporca", vorrebbe dire che gran parte del sodio e di altri composti volatili provengono proprio dalle comete.

Il team prevede di far luce sull'origine delle acque lunar and other volatile compounds using the data of the next mission Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADE), which should be launched in May 2013.

The mission will enter into lunar orbit to observe its tenuous atmosphere (exosphere technically called because it is so thin that atoms rarely collide with each other above the surface).

The research was funded by the NASA Dynamic Response Environment (dream) of the Moon project.

The McMath-Pierce telescope is operated by the National Solar Observatory, which is funded by the National Science Foundation and operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. The scientific report on this research was published in Geophysical Research Letters in December 2010.

Photo: chamber shows the LCROSS plume emitted about 20 seconds after the impact of the Centaur rocket (Credit: NASA)

Video: Video telling the LCROSS mission with the photographs of the NASA

Monday, February 21, 2011

2009 Honda Ridgeline Rear View Camera

Dalla NASA, ancora ipotesi su Tyche, il pianeta X

In November 2010, the scientific journal Icarus has published a document of astrophysicists JJ Matese and Daniel Whitmire, in which they proposed the existence a binary companion to our Sun, the largest of Jupiter, near the "Oort Cloud", a distant storage of small icy bodies at the edge of our Solar System.

The researchers called this hypothetical body "Tyche". According to their theory, the evidence of the discovery, through analysis of data Giuga which issued the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) of NASA.
WISE is a NASA infrared telescope, launched in December 2009, which scanned the entire sky in four infrared wavelengths, about 1.5 times. In its investigation has already captured more than 2.7 million images of objects in space, ranging from asteroids and comets to distant galaxies relatively close to Earth.
Recently, WISE has completed a second mission extension extra scansionanado the asteroid belt, the Universe in two far infrared bands. Among the findings already confirmed at the time included a brown dwarf, 20 comets, close to 134 items Earth (NEO), and more than 33,000 main belt asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.
Following the conclusion of its investigation, WISE has been hibernating in orbit in February 2011. But the analysis of data by scientists Tegli continues. The first publication of such data is scheduled for April of 2011, but the final version of the full survey will be released until March 2012.
these days is back in the news for the possibility that soon to be confirmed the presence of "Planet X", which is why this site is built, unique in the world. Makes great sense that NASA is talking about the same now open. Until a few years ago, the famous "Planet X" was little more than mere fiction and meant to speak heresy. In Italy, there are still many scientists obtuse or amateurs with blinders on, who believe that talking about Planet X is a waste of time, but probably soon will permanently change their minds and in any case, if NASA is talking about it, is never lost of time.

The same NASA gave an interview to remove doubts, uncertainties and curiosity about Tyche.

Q: When could confirm the presence of the planet Tyche, the data in analisi di WISE?
A: E' troppo presto per sapere se i dati WISE confermano o escludono un grande oggetto nella nube di Oort. Le analisi nei prossimi due anni saranno indispensabili per determinare se WISE ha effettivamente rilevato tale mondo. Le prime 14 settimane di raccolta dei dati, saranno rilasciate nel mese di aprile del 2011, ma non saranno probabilmente sufficienti. L'indagine completa, prevista nel marzo 2012, dovrebbe fornire una maggiore comprensione. Una volta che i dati WISE saranno completamente trasformati, rilasciati e analizzati, le ipotesi sull'esistenza di Tyche di Matese e Whitmire saranno effettivamente testate.
D: E' certo che WISE avrebbe osservato un pianeta?
A: E' probabile ma non scontato che WISE possa confermare o meno l'esistenza di Tyche. Dall'analisi delle immagini ottenute 1,5 volte del cielo da WISE a distanza di 6 mesi, gli scienziati dovrebbero vedere un cambiamento della posizione apparente di un corpo grande nella nube di Oort. Le due bande utilizzate nella copertura del cielo secondo sono state progettate per identificare le nane brune o grandi pianeti gassosi come Tyche.
D: Se Tyche fosse davvero scoperto, perché ci sarebbe voluto così tanto tempo per trovare un altro pianeta del nostro Sistema Solare?
A: Tyche sarebbe troppo freddo e debole per essere osservato da un telescopio a luce visible. The infrared telescope could resume the faint glow of such an object, looking in the right direction. WISE is an infrared telescope that looked in all directions.
Q: Why is this item called "Tyche" (a greek name), when the names of the other planets are derived from Roman mythology?
A: In the 80s we assume the presence of "Nemesis" (name derived from the Greek goddess of discord) a hypothetical red dwarf star (Muller) or brown dwarf, proposed to explain periodic mass extinctions that occurred in the past on Earth. Nemesis would follow a highly elliptical orbit, able to disturb and deflect towards the inner solar system comets in the Oort cloud, about every 26 million years.
Some of these comets would have caused catastrophic consequences for life on Earth. Recent scientific analysis no longer support the idea that the extinctions on Earth occur at regular intervals and repeat. Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer followed. However, it is still possible that the Sun has a companion in a far more circular orbit with a period of a few million years. To distinguish the object from the malevolent "Nemesis", astronomers Matese and Whitmire, chose the name of the benevolent sister Nemesis in Greek mythology, "Tyche".

from rumors and the great interest that this topic is stirring in the press, it is conceivable that there really Tyche and NASA should release the data of the discovery in 2012.
Some interesting conjectures are conceivable in this regard.

Tyche may have up to a hundred moons, some big enough to be bodies like Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Sedna.
This body may be partly responsible for the "shower" of asteroids and comets that come on Jupiter and sometimes on Earth, causing mass extinctions.
In the photo below look at the first and only brown dwarf so far discovered through data WISE:

The brown dwarf, (emerald green object that you see above) marked by the circle, she was named WISEPC J045853.90 +643451.9 and could be very similar to an object on the edge of the Solar System as the same Tyche.
The brown dwarf WISEPC J045853.90 +643451.9 is currently the only confirmed by preliminary data from WISE and being away solto between 18-30 light-years from Earth, is in fact at the time, the brown dwarf the closest ever found.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

100 Watt Stereo Receiver

Il Sole si sveglia: esplosione di classe X. Colpita la Terra.

"A powerful solar flare of class X, February 15 has thrown billions of tons of charged particles toward Earth, in what are called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), resulting in a storm geomagnetic activity in the Earth's magnetic field " said Baker, director of CU-Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.

In astrophysics, a "solar flare " or even solar flare is a violent eruption of matter that explodes from the photosphere of the Sun, with an energy equivalent to tens of millions of bombs atomic. These potenti espulsioni possono causare problemi di sicurezza che vanno dalla rottura dei sistemi di navigazione aerea e o alle reti elettriche o posson mettere a rischio la sicurezza degli equipaggi delle compagnie aeree e gli astronauti nello spazio.
I brillamenti sono spesso associati alle macchie solari e sono probabilmente causati dal rilascio di energia in occasione del fenomeno di riconnessione delle linee di campo magnetico.  
Le onde d'urto risultanti viaggiano lateralmente attraverso la fotosfera e verso l'alto attraverso la cromosfera e la corona, a velocità dell'ordine di 5.000.000 di chilometri all'ora (ovvero 1.389 km/s, contro i 300.000 chilometri al secondo della speed of light).

Flares are classified as:
according to their brightness in X-rays near the Earth, measured in watts per square meter.

Each class is ten times more powerful than before, with X (the largest) of 12 to 10 W / m², and also is divided linearly from 1 to 9, then a blast X2 is four times more powerful than an M5.
Solar activity is normally between classes A and C.
I have a few flares C effects on the Earth, while the more powerful M and X can cause damage.
sometimes exceed the maximum value (X9): August 16, 1999 and April 2, 2001 were measured of the X20 flare, but they were outweighed by the 4 November 2003 was estimated at X45 and is the most powerful ever recorded. The region of sunspot 486 was the most turbulent ever seen.

"The sun is coming back to life" , said Baker, in his report entitled " Severe Space Weather Events. Understanding of society and economic impacts " . The Sun was going through a long period of quiet, the largest since the beginning of the twentieth century. From the scientific point of view, a flare of class X, is the most powerful type of solar flare. For Baker in this regard: "... we can not afford to be complacent when operating in near-Earth space environment."
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a number of expulsions coronal mass can reach the Earth's atmosphere over the next few days.
"The man's dependence on technology makes the company more sensitive to the effects of space weather," said Baker. "But scientists and engineers have made great strides in recent decades with regard to this phenomenon . We know much more about what is happening and we can build more robust systems to withstand, "said Baker. " It will be interesting to see how our technology systems will be able to withstand the rigors of space weather, while the Sun back to higher levels of activity. "

Eruzioni così violente possono rilasciare nello spazio miliardi di particelle alla volta. Nelle prossime ore questo sciame che sta viaggiando verso di noi investirà la Terra. Con quali conseguenze? C’è da temere per la salute? Rischiamo black-out? Facciamo il punto con Alessandro Bemporad, fisico solare dell’INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino .

Bemporad, che succede sulla nostra stella?
Questo brillamento è il primo di una serie di eruzioni a cui assisteremo prossimamente. Segna il risveglio del Sole, l’entrata cioè in una nuova fase di attività, dopo il periodo di minimo. Il picco di attività è previsto tra il 2012 e il 2013. Un’eruzione solare si genera a causa dell’emissione di intensi campi magnetici sulla fotosfera, la superficie esterna del Sole, visibili come macchie solari. Questo determina improvvisi rilasci di energia e l’espulsione di particelle di plasma altamente ionizzato ad alta velocità nello spazio interplanetario. La tempesta solare è costituita da tre componenti: radiazione ultravioletta e raggi X, che raggiunge la Terra in 8 minuti; una seconda componente di particelle relativistiche, che arrivano in qualche ora; infine, una bolla di plasma di enormi dimensioni che può investire la Terra nei giorni successivi al brillamento.

Quali sono le conseguenze di una tempesta Solar?
The high-energy particles, injected along the earth's magnetic field lines, can damage satellites, cause it to drop, disrupt communication systems and satellite radio broadcasts. These days you can complain about malfunctions of phones and GPS navigators.

risk of a blackout?
can happen. The current geomagnetic, if channeled in the power lines, transformers can blow up power plants. In the eighties has happened in Quebec.

Is there any danger to the astronauts on the International Space Station? For the astronauts
worst is already past, the greatest danger is the bombardment of X-rays and high energy particles. It is estimated that the most intense solar flare occurred between Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 would kill an astronaut if he had been caught during extravehicular activity outside the spacecraft.

Who's down to earth has nothing to fear for their health?
No, thank goodness we are protected by the magnetosphere. The only problem may be with passengers, particularly those on board, on air routes near the poles where the magnetic field lines convey the high-energy particles from the Sun

eruptions of the Sun also determine one of the most spectacular phenomena of nature: the aurora borealis. How do they occur?
The phenomenon depends on the excitement of the atoms in the upper atmosphere which are affected by high energy electrons from the Sun so the sky is tinged with colored lights, a great visual effect.

is a good time to book a holiday at the poles?
Yes, the frequency of solar eruptions and their intensity will increase, and consequently the aurora borealis. This recent solar storm was the most intense of the last four years, but there are other more. We will see the beautiful. As on the other hand occurs cyclically every 11 years.

riusulterebbe from numerous sources that are to be affected by the flare X class was the Asian region of China. Some damage to navigation systems but nothing to worry about.

By Arthur McPaul

Sources: # Classification Solar /

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Transfer Music From Ipod To Shareaza

Gigantesco anello di buchi neri in Arp 147

The new composite image provided by NASA, shows nine X-ray sources scattered around the ring of Arp 147, are so bright as to be blacks holes, with masses from 10 to 20 times the Sun

This composite image of Arp 147, shows a pair of interacting galaxies, located about 430 million light years from Earth, shown by NASA's Chandra X-ray X-ray Observatory (in pink) and optical data of the Hubble Space Telescope (in red, green, blue) manufactured by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland.
Arp 147 contains the remains of a spiral galaxy (right) that collided with the elliptical galaxy on the left. This collision has produced a growing wave of star formation that looks like a blue ring that contains an abundance of young massive stars. These rapid stellar evolution, has brought in a few million years, some of them to explode as supernovae, leaving behind neutron stars and holes blacks.
A fraction of blacks holes and neutron stars have companion stars and can become bright X-ray sources, and attract them their matter. The nine X-ray sources scattered around the ring in Arp 147 are so bright that blacks must be holes, with masses that are probably 10 to 20 times the Sun

An X-ray source was detected also in the left red nucleus of the galaxy and can be powered by a supermassive black hole malnourished. This source is not evident in the composite, but it is clearly visible in the X-ray images Other foreign objects in Arp 147 are visible in the photo, like a star in the foreground in the lower left and a quasar in the background represented in pink in the upper left corner of the galaxy red.

The infrared observations with the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope and ultraviolet observations with NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) allowed estimates of the rate of star formation in the ring. These estimates, combined with the use of models for the evolution of binary stars, allowed the authors to conclude that the most intense star formation has to be expiring around 15 million years ago.

By Arthur McPaul


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Always Feeling Irritated

I buchi neri contorcono anche la luce

Illustration of a black hole also affects the light in the process of twisting spiral along the field (credit: NASA)

Thida Bo and colleagues from the Swedish Institute of Physics Area of \u200b\u200bUppsala have published in Nature Physics on Feb. 13 that a study will detect rotation irregular holes blacks.
existing telescopes could in fact be fitted with special sensors to record the torque impressed on the waves of light passing near a rapidly rotating black hole.

"The effect of recently discovered is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity and is based on numerical simulations carried out by his team, "says Thida .
Researchers had already predicted and found some evidence that blacks holes and neutron stars. rotating, mix fabric surrounding space-time, an effect known as "frame dragging" translated as "sequential transport" (SN: 09/02/2000, p. 150).

But researchers had not explored in detail the possibility blacks that the holes could also be involved in the process rotating light, imparting an angular momentum to radiation. For Martin Bojowald of Pennsylvania State University: "The black hole affects the space-time so that the light is involved with the orbital angular momentum automatically."

Light waves are made up of ridges and depressions. These light waves that travel in unison and without obstacles in space have wavefronts (the imaginary surface on which the lines of the crest of a wave colliding with the crest of another)

In contrast, when light passes near a black hole, each photon takes a twist that alters the surface wave in sort of spiral staircase centered around the direction of the beam.

"This that is new and exciting in this stuio is that the effect is actually measured for the black hole at the center of our galaxy, "says Saul Teukolsky of Cornell University.

Thida says his team will review the comments in radio telescope of the black hole of the Milky Way to see that the light has already been the twist. Bojowald says that "the technique will not be an immediate tool for the actual observations of blacks holes, but it looks promising enough to suggest an update of the telescopes in so they can look. "

" Meanwhile, "he says " distorted the light gives us a new test of the general relativity and space-time. "

This is the result of calculations for now but right now the current telescopes, with suitable holographic instruments could measure the degree of vorticity of any electromagnetic wave . For Fabrizio Tamburini, Department of Astronomy, University of Padua, one of the authors of the study, the applications are endless. " As explained in our article, we have found a link between the equations of general relativity, a rotating black hole and the production of vorticity of electromagnetic radiation. It can open up new frontiers in the study of active galactic nuclei and the rotation of galaxies. "

The vorticity of an electromagnetic wave in practice gives us more information on the source that led it. But at the same time can be used as an additional channel to transmit information, such as in telecommunications. "We are building special antennas that are able to give vorticity in radio waves," explains Tamburini, "what we have in mind is to obtain a transmission of such waves over a long distance in the real world, no longer in the laboratory. In this way we transmit multiple channels on the same frequency because of the differing degrees of vorticity wave is as if we have different channels on which to receive and transmit information using only the wave. "

The work group also reveals a curious aspect: "Our job is not only a theoretical but also physical. For example we have modified paraboloids of bent steel with a hammer. It is not a typical work of a theoretical physicist but it's fun to have ideas, to develop equations and finally see the results take shape in a concrete way in their own hands. "

and Translation adaptation by Arthur McPaul (Center UFO Ion)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Jigsaw Puzzle Gay

La massa minima per fare una galassia

The distribution of dark matter when the Universe was about 3 billion years.

Only 300 billion solar masses. This is the halo of dark matter sufficient to trigger the process of star formation in massive galaxies. The estimate is apparent from the more accurate survey of the infrared sky conducted with spirit, made an important instrument on board the Italian contribution to ESA's telescope. The research in Nature.

For each recipe which respects itself, not enough to know the ingredients. It is also important to know the dosage. For example, scientists know that it is necessary to make a galaxy "mix" the primordial gases, particularly hydrogen and helium, with a sort of exceptional thickener: the halo of dark matter, whose intense gravitational field of the gas collapses and gives off the synthesis of the stars, one after another, and then the entire galaxy. But how much dark matter must be because the process is successful? Now we know with precision: it only takes a quantity of 300 billion solar masses . What looks like a whopping dose, ma è molto meno di quanto si stimasse. La scoperta, annunciata su Nature, è stata possibile grazie allo sguardo acuto del telescopio Herschel dell’ESA.

Con il suo specchio primario da 3,5 metri di diametro, questo gigante dello spazio ci ha portando indietro di 10-12 miliardi di anni, mostrandoci un Universo mai visto. Grazie all’estrema sensibilità delle strumentazioni, dalle tenebre sono emerse molte decine di migliaia di galassie, lontanissime nello spazio e nel tempo. Massicce, luminose, giovani. Mentre le osserviamo, sono passati 2-3 miliardi di anni dal Big Bang e siamo testimoni della nascita di centinaia di miliardi di stelle in ciascuna di queste galassie. Sulla base di questo gigantesco censimento cosmico, il gruppo di ricercatori guidato da Alexandre Amblard, della University of California, Irvine ha effettuato un po’ di calcoli.
“Herschel ha focalizzato con un dettaglio senza precedenti le sorgenti di quella diffusa radiazione cosmica nel lontano infrarosso e nel sub millimetrico, individuata alla fine degli anni Novanta dal satellite COBE (COsmic Background Explorer) della NASA”, spiega Alberto Franceschini, professore dell’Università di Padova , tra i firmatari dello studio su Nature. “Ma quello che a COBE appariva come una radiazione diffusa, a Herschel, grazie ad un telescopio 20 volte superiore, si è rivelata una mappa nitida e profonda, punteggiata da una miriade di sorgenti, ciascuno dei quali rappresenta una galassia in piena formazione stellare”. Merito della sensibilità dello strumento SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver), la fotocamera montata su Herschel e realizzata con rilevante contributo italiano, sotto la direzione di Paolo Saraceno, dell’INAF-IFSI di Roma .

L'immagine ottenuta dal telescopio Herschel rivela la distribuzione spaziale delle galassie distanti responsabili della radiazione di fondo infrarossa.

Quest’enorme numero di oggetti, difficili da zoomare singolarmente, ha consentito un’accurata analisi statistica sull’habitat che circonda le galassie primordiali. Spiega Franceschini: “Sono state analizzate nel dettaglio le fluttuazioni dell’intensità della radiazione di fondo infrarosso e la distribuzione di queste fluttuazioni nella mappa: ovvero, lo studio degli addensamenti e delle rarefazioni nella distribuzione della brillanza della radiazione infrarossa. Questi dati sono stati confrontati con la distribuzione prevista per la materia oscura. I risultati mostrano che le galassie si sono formate con efficienza sorprendentemente elevata anche in aloni di materia oscura di massa moderata, di 300 miliardi di masse solari”.
Il dato contrasta con quanto previsto dai modelli teorici, “ossia so massive and bright galaxies that were formed only by concentrations of dark matter 10 times more massive, "explains the researcher. "It opens a new scenario will be played now."

By Daniel Cipolloni

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thick Lining Of The Uterus

Risolto il mistero dell'"astronauta" nei graffiti sahariani


the mid-fifties, based on reports received by the Tuareg guide Jebrin, Henri Lhote prepared a great expedition to the Tassili Massif n ' Ajjer, in south-east of Algeria, and there was accompanied by a group of enthusiastic young painters, including the Milanese Gianni Frassati.
In two years of hard work, those rocks out of the world under a blue sky, lit by the sun still burning, they copy it meticulously studied and cataloged a large amount of graffiti and cave paintings. It found thousands scattered in the labyrinth of stone from the place names SEFAR, Awanrhet, Jabbaren. At the last resort, Jabbaren driving Jebrin had shown for the first time in the cave paintings Lhote in 1938. Right here are the most beautiful paintings: five images of thousands of lives lost, perhaps recalling the symbiosis of two peoples, the ancestors of the Peulh herders and the nobility of Atlantis, the ancestors of the Berbers of today. The current desert
was fertile, between twelve thousand and two thousand years ago, until there came a season of major climatic changes, possibly caused by celestial events (passing near Earth's orbit or impact of large meteorites). Those date back to prehistoric cave paintings depict animals and almost disappeared in the Sahara, hunting scenes and sex, a population of pastors of black leather with another light-colored, bird-headed gods such as Egyptians, chariots hunting and battle mythical Garamantes: the largest, beautiful and mysterious art gallery to open in the world. In
Tassili massif, and to SEFAR Jabbaren, are enigmatic figures who seem to swim or float in a vacuum and the other round heads, which seem to wear helmets and overalls or divers - as someone has come to assume - spacesuits. I'm so flowery stories that show the origins of ancient Atlantis in the Sahara, and other myths imagine a descent of aliens on Earth.
"In the language of the Tuareg - recalls Henri Lhote (1) - Jabbaren means 'giants', because there are prehistoric paintings with giant images of men: one is taller than six feet. It is without doubt one of the prehistoric paintings larger among those known. We must get away to see the whole picture in a glance, the simple contour, round head, with one particular obvious: a double oval at the center of the figure, which makes it look like that character in our image, but if the Martians Martians never put foot in the Sahara, had to be many centuries ago, because those characters are round-headed, as far as I know, among the earliest paintings of the Tassili.

Above n'Ajjer various views of the Tassili (Sahara desert)

The oldest paintings are the work of a people living in hunting of large animals. That period, the first Saharan art, has been classified as "Bubalo, and works of art are only graffiti, which represent i grandi animali africani che popolavano allora il Sahara, fertile e ricco di zone umide: elefanti, leoni, ippopotami, rinoceronti, giraffe e l'estinto Bubalus Antiquus, una specie di bufalo dalle corna tanto lunghe da costringerlo a brucare a marcia indietro. Tutti questi animali erano disegnati su grandi rocce piane all'aperto, senza nessun riparo dalle intemperie e senza alcun ordine, mescolando diversi motivi e soggetti sulla stessa superficie. L'estensione geografica di queste espressioni artistiche è enorme e ricopre tutta la fascia dell'Africa settentrionale, segno della grande estensione del Sahara "verde". Il periodo del Bubalus antico si estende dal 10000 al 6000 a.C. e i corpi umani appaiono rappresentati con teste vuote, prive di features.

The second period, known as the "round heads" goes from 6000 to 5000 BC During this period, the figures are enriched with natural earth colors taken from, and sometimes human figures are represented with animal masks.

The third period is that Bovids, from 5000 to 1800 BC in the representation, rather elegant, painted in vivid colors, animals appear, including domestic sheep, cattle and scenes of everyday life. Without exception the prehistoric paintings, the figures are first cut into the rock, with flint tools, and then colored. The shepherds of cattle that appear in these paintings was, according to the great historic Hampi Bâ African, the ancestors of the Peulh (Fulani) nomad herdsmen who later swarmed southwards, to colonize large parts of Sudan and the Sahel. Men in white or reddish, often seen in 'symbiosis' with the former, richly dressed, with habits similar to those present, would instead remain on the site and were the ancestors of the Amazigh (known by the name of the Berbers, given them by the ancient Greeks and Romans): the people of Atlantis, which fell to the north by the Saharan Ahaggar massif, as reported by Herodotus. (2) He wrote, quote: "The Atlas will live in a mountain called Atlas, which take the name" and indicates that mountain to the south, a venti giornate di marcia (circa 800 km) dall'oasi dei Garamanti, l'attuale Djerma, e a dieci giornate di marcia (circa 400 km) dal massiccio dei Tassili, ove abitavano gli Ataranti: non può trattarsi d'altro che del massiccio dell'Ahaggar, montagna sacra della stirpe dei Tuareg. Le catene che oggi noi chiamiamo col nome 'Atlante', disposte da ovest verso est su tre fasce parallele alle coste mediterranee, si chiamano invece 'Deren', secondo il loro nome locale, dato dai Berberi.
Nell'ultima parte del periodo Bovidiano, a partire dal 2000 a.C., la mutazione climatica fece asciugare ampie zone umide. Scomparvero dall'arte rupestre le figure d'ippopotami e d'elefanti e si presume che i pastori di bovini, dark, migrated southwards across the Sahara to the valley of the River Niger, to spread later to the Gulf of Guinea and the western coast of Africa.
The fourth period is the Horse, from 1800 to 400 BC The name comes from the presence of two wagons, and sometimes four-wheeled carts for hunting, racing and battle, depicted with a vivid expression that seems almost to anticipate the dynamics of modern futurism. Indeed, the horses were introduced at that time and the people of Garamantes, which had the capital or the current Djerma Garama in western Libya, was famous for his ability to lead the battle. The style is naturalistic and the shapes are more schematic.
Finally, the fifth period, the style Camelina, extending from 400 BC to the present. Along this time, the African wildlife disappears in the North-African and the horse takes over the dromedary (originally from the East), along with other animals. Strabo, in sec. The BC, still speaks of a wide spread of the horse, but the desertification have forced the caravans carrying large reserves of water. Pliny the Elder, in the next century, reports that elephants, giraffes and other wild beasts "African" still existed in Libya, but that's wed Garamantian in the country (rivers) had become dry for long periods. The Sahara desert it was. In those years dromedary, which had been bred and used for two millennia in the Arabian Peninsula, arrived in Africa, from the east, with caravans of nomads.

The art of this period is schematic and crude. The period of great art Saharan Africa has been finally set, and there remains only the occasional expression of nomadic shepherds of the desert areas.
The beginning of the artistic period "round heads" is therefore placed around 6000 years before our era. The name given to the term derives from the characteristic way of representing human figures, with the head consists of a round blank. In this period the animals are always portrayed that today are typical of Black Africa, but reduced size, and appear human figures, single or in groups, in different attitudes, as well as monsters and giants. The composition becomes increasingly complex and expresses intent certainly magical and religious. During this time the artistic production is expressed both works painted with graffiti either, and is geographically restricted to the Tassili n'Ajjer (Algeria) and all'Akakus (Libya).
According to the proponents of theories of alien influences, the period of round heads would be the time of the landings of visitors from other worlds would have round heads and primitive representations of space helmets.
As we said, and to SEFAR Jabbaren Tassili mountains, some pictures in particular, dated Experts from around the year 5000 BC, seem to wear a helmet globular, similar to that of the divers, so that the discoverer of the paintings, the French archaeologist Henri Lhote, named the greatest "the great god Mars" or "l ' astronaut. " But why should an astronaut wearing a helmet and prepared for the rest to be completely naked? It is far more likely - Lhote argued - whether of indigenous rituals with masks. Other commentators, however, attracted by curiosity always difficult to explain, perpetuate the myth dell'extraterrestre. Proponents also note the presence of different alien figures that appear to float in space, as in the absence of gravity. Figures that the shamanistic culture scholars tend to attribute derived from the use of ecstasy and hallucinogenic substances that easily, from a purely artistic point of view, we might regard as "dancers" of Matisse or a framework for the Chagall.


might suffice, in this as in other cases, a small documentation effort to resolve the issue correctly and well founded. Nell'interessantissima photographic collection entitled "1900. L'Afrique découvrir l'Europe", Eric Baschet shows the sequence of a funeral, photographed in the region of Lake Chad, in the years around 1920 (p. 64-65). The caption is as follows:
"A man is dead. The corpse is wrapped with strips of cotton, bound with strips of bovine leather coated with a tunic. It is then slid into a narrow grave and is then buried in a sitting position, his head covered by a large earthenware jar. "


see the first picture of the sequence and not We can help but note that the ritual treatment (see two images above), reserved for the dead by the heirs of the ancient inhabitants of Jabbaren migrated thousands of miles to the south, decorate the dead just like the picture that eight thousand years ago had been painted in the mountains of the Sahara, to give up the appearance of a "space diving suit, with a helmet on his head round. This is not the preparation for space travel, but for a journey into a world far more remote quell'aldilà that both fascinated and still fascinates the anxiety of ancient and modern mystery of man, long before ancient Egypt to this day. The protections necessary to quell'antenato must therefore be much more robust and substantial than those of a man who is about to fly in space.
In the region of the Tassili mountains, west of the ancient Saharan freshwater sea, once populated by hippos and crocodiles, the Ancients (Egyptians and Greeks) located on the extreme west, the garden of the Hesperides e il mondo dell'Oltretomba, dal quale un comune mortale non poteva fare ritorno. Solo alcuni eroi, come Erakles, Giasone e gli Argonauti, potevano riuscire nell'impresa.
Perché mai dovremmo stupirci che su quelle montagne, insieme alle scene di caccia, di vita quotidiana, alle danze e alle scene di riproduzione rituale, siano raffigurate scene di sepoltura rituale, come essa era praticata da popolazioni che poi migrarono verso sud, verso il cuore dell'Africa umida?
Le loro orme, secondo Henri Lhote, furono seguite anche da una legione romana, quella del legato Cornelio Balbo, che nel 19 a.C. si spinse nel profondo Sud del Sahara, poi riuscì a ritornare a Roma ed ottenne il trionfo. Secondo Plinio, the Legio III Augusta, commanded by Cornelius Balbus, went down south, via Alas and Balsa, until they touch several rivers, including the Dasibari. According Lhote, the legacy he could follow the ancient Roman "wagon road", the ancient caravan route that ran along the eastern bank of the Bahr Attla, the "Ocean of Atlantis," cited in a book of the Bible. Along that road are often depictions of chariots Garamantian. Alas Saharan Africa would be the town that now bears the name of Ilezy Balsa and could be Abalessa, the legendary stronghold at the foot of the Ahaggar Tuareg. Dasibari could be one of the names by which local people call the great river Niger: Isa-Bari, speaking Sonrhai means own 'big river' and still designates the Niger, and 'Da' is the name that people give to those legendary old 'water lords', for which the Niger in ancient times could be just called 'Da-Isa-Bari' , a term very similar to that passed by Pliny.

NOTES 1. H. Lhote, A la découverte du Tassili des Fresques, Ed Arthaud, Paris, 1973.
2. A. Arecchi, Atlantis. A vanished world, a hypothesis to find him, Ed Liutprand-Mimesis, Milano-Pavia, 2001.

