Monday, February 21, 2011

2009 Honda Ridgeline Rear View Camera

Dalla NASA, ancora ipotesi su Tyche, il pianeta X

In November 2010, the scientific journal Icarus has published a document of astrophysicists JJ Matese and Daniel Whitmire, in which they proposed the existence a binary companion to our Sun, the largest of Jupiter, near the "Oort Cloud", a distant storage of small icy bodies at the edge of our Solar System.

The researchers called this hypothetical body "Tyche". According to their theory, the evidence of the discovery, through analysis of data Giuga which issued the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) of NASA.
WISE is a NASA infrared telescope, launched in December 2009, which scanned the entire sky in four infrared wavelengths, about 1.5 times. In its investigation has already captured more than 2.7 million images of objects in space, ranging from asteroids and comets to distant galaxies relatively close to Earth.
Recently, WISE has completed a second mission extension extra scansionanado the asteroid belt, the Universe in two far infrared bands. Among the findings already confirmed at the time included a brown dwarf, 20 comets, close to 134 items Earth (NEO), and more than 33,000 main belt asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.
Following the conclusion of its investigation, WISE has been hibernating in orbit in February 2011. But the analysis of data by scientists Tegli continues. The first publication of such data is scheduled for April of 2011, but the final version of the full survey will be released until March 2012.
these days is back in the news for the possibility that soon to be confirmed the presence of "Planet X", which is why this site is built, unique in the world. Makes great sense that NASA is talking about the same now open. Until a few years ago, the famous "Planet X" was little more than mere fiction and meant to speak heresy. In Italy, there are still many scientists obtuse or amateurs with blinders on, who believe that talking about Planet X is a waste of time, but probably soon will permanently change their minds and in any case, if NASA is talking about it, is never lost of time.

The same NASA gave an interview to remove doubts, uncertainties and curiosity about Tyche.

Q: When could confirm the presence of the planet Tyche, the data in analisi di WISE?
A: E' troppo presto per sapere se i dati WISE confermano o escludono un grande oggetto nella nube di Oort. Le analisi nei prossimi due anni saranno indispensabili per determinare se WISE ha effettivamente rilevato tale mondo. Le prime 14 settimane di raccolta dei dati, saranno rilasciate nel mese di aprile del 2011, ma non saranno probabilmente sufficienti. L'indagine completa, prevista nel marzo 2012, dovrebbe fornire una maggiore comprensione. Una volta che i dati WISE saranno completamente trasformati, rilasciati e analizzati, le ipotesi sull'esistenza di Tyche di Matese e Whitmire saranno effettivamente testate.
D: E' certo che WISE avrebbe osservato un pianeta?
A: E' probabile ma non scontato che WISE possa confermare o meno l'esistenza di Tyche. Dall'analisi delle immagini ottenute 1,5 volte del cielo da WISE a distanza di 6 mesi, gli scienziati dovrebbero vedere un cambiamento della posizione apparente di un corpo grande nella nube di Oort. Le due bande utilizzate nella copertura del cielo secondo sono state progettate per identificare le nane brune o grandi pianeti gassosi come Tyche.
D: Se Tyche fosse davvero scoperto, perché ci sarebbe voluto così tanto tempo per trovare un altro pianeta del nostro Sistema Solare?
A: Tyche sarebbe troppo freddo e debole per essere osservato da un telescopio a luce visible. The infrared telescope could resume the faint glow of such an object, looking in the right direction. WISE is an infrared telescope that looked in all directions.
Q: Why is this item called "Tyche" (a greek name), when the names of the other planets are derived from Roman mythology?
A: In the 80s we assume the presence of "Nemesis" (name derived from the Greek goddess of discord) a hypothetical red dwarf star (Muller) or brown dwarf, proposed to explain periodic mass extinctions that occurred in the past on Earth. Nemesis would follow a highly elliptical orbit, able to disturb and deflect towards the inner solar system comets in the Oort cloud, about every 26 million years.
Some of these comets would have caused catastrophic consequences for life on Earth. Recent scientific analysis no longer support the idea that the extinctions on Earth occur at regular intervals and repeat. Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer followed. However, it is still possible that the Sun has a companion in a far more circular orbit with a period of a few million years. To distinguish the object from the malevolent "Nemesis", astronomers Matese and Whitmire, chose the name of the benevolent sister Nemesis in Greek mythology, "Tyche".

from rumors and the great interest that this topic is stirring in the press, it is conceivable that there really Tyche and NASA should release the data of the discovery in 2012.
Some interesting conjectures are conceivable in this regard.

Tyche may have up to a hundred moons, some big enough to be bodies like Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Sedna.
This body may be partly responsible for the "shower" of asteroids and comets that come on Jupiter and sometimes on Earth, causing mass extinctions.
In the photo below look at the first and only brown dwarf so far discovered through data WISE:

The brown dwarf, (emerald green object that you see above) marked by the circle, she was named WISEPC J045853.90 +643451.9 and could be very similar to an object on the edge of the Solar System as the same Tyche.
The brown dwarf WISEPC J045853.90 +643451.9 is currently the only confirmed by preliminary data from WISE and being away solto between 18-30 light-years from Earth, is in fact at the time, the brown dwarf the closest ever found.



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