The community Casolana recalls the 150th anniversary of National Unity
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Pikachu Colored Pichu
Sunday, March 13, public meeting of the Democratic Party for the 150th anniversary of Italy
Alle ore 10.30 di domenica 13 marzo 2011 , nella sede del PD casolano (Piazza Oriani 11), si terrà un incontro pubblico per ricordare il 150° anniversario dell’unità nazionale, con l’intervento del Segretario del Circolo, Massimo Barzaglia (“Dall’Unità d’Italia al sogno europeo”) e dei professori Riccardo Albonetti (“Il Risorgimento italiano e la costruzione dell’Unità nazionale: l’Italia tra ‘800 e ‘900”) e Federica Montevecchi (“Il Risorgimento and the strength of the Constitution and the foundation of Italian democracy ").
Alle ore 10.30 di domenica 13 marzo 2011 , nella sede del PD casolano (Piazza Oriani 11), si terrà un incontro pubblico per ricordare il 150° anniversario dell’unità nazionale, con l’intervento del Segretario del Circolo, Massimo Barzaglia (“Dall’Unità d’Italia al sogno europeo”) e dei professori Riccardo Albonetti (“Il Risorgimento italiano e la costruzione dell’Unità nazionale: l’Italia tra ‘800 e ‘900”) e Federica Montevecchi (“Il Risorgimento and the strength of the Constitution and the foundation of Italian democracy ").
What To Engrave On A Necklace
The PD Casola Valsenio the invitation of the municipal administration for the display of the flag March 17
The Steering Committee of the PD house welcomes the invitation of the municipal administration conviction to voluntary associations, trade unions and political Casolana to share and promote among its members the ' exposure in homes of Italian flag, March 17, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
In this regard the Democratic Party calls on the members and voters at the banquet that will be organized Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday, March 13, Oriani in the square where you can buy tricolor flags and badges .

In this regard the Democratic Party calls on the members and voters at the banquet that will be organized Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday, March 13, Oriani in the square where you can buy tricolor flags and badges .
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Gamestop Mount And Blade
Free TV Show from Ustream
9.500 DISPERSI IN PREFETTURA MIYAGI - There are 9,500 people missing in the port of Minamisanriku in Miyagi prefecture, northeastern Japan, one of the most 'hit by the devastating tsunami following the earthquake yesterday. The Kyodo news agency reported.
'unlikely' SERIOUS REACTOR - are "unlikely" serious damage to the reactor in Fukushima outer containment cage collapsed this afternoon. The Kyodo agency reported, citing the National Agency on nuclear safety. Officials of the Agency for Nuclear Safety, quoted by Kyodo, explained that there were no serious damage to the reactor case, the container for the core, n1 of the troubled reactor in Fukushima. The assessments, in particular, based on the latest monitoring data on radiation around the structure after the powerful explosion occurred in the afternoon.
At the time of the earthquake were in operation three of the six reactors, which are automatically switched off while the other three were stopped for maintenance. It is central to the type BWR (Boiling Water Reactor), a model designed in the United in the 50s. The construction of the Japanese began in 1966 and the plant became operational in 1971. The central type Bwr using demineralized water to cool the reactor. The heat produced by the process of nuclear fission that occurs inside the reactor is cooled by water that is heated vaporizes. The resulting vapor is used to drive a turbine and then is condensed and becomes liquid water within the reactor in a circle.
A thousand deaths, over 10,000 missing. Explosion at Fukushima nuclear nightmare
The magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami that devastated yesterday northeastern Japan caused at least a thousand victims, more than 10 000 missing. Continue to occur the shock of high intensity: one 6.8 and another magnitude 6.0 hit the north east of the country. Sale the nuclear nightmare. Violent explosion in Fukushima: some injured employees, enter firefighters in action super- . Area evacuata per 20 km. L'Agenzia giapponese sulla sicurezza nucleare ha definito però "improbabili" gravi danni al reattore. Aiea chiede informazioni a Tokyo. Intanto il premier Naoto Kan parla in tv: sisma un disastro senza precedenti.
Intanto almeno 1,4 milioni di case sono senz'acqua . Lo riferiscono le autorità secondo quanto riportato dalla Bbc. Cinquantanove autocisterne sono state già inviate nelle zone più colpite. Circa 3 milioni di persone sono senza elettricità e le compagnie annunciano che ci vorrà un po' per ripristinare il servizio.
Intanto almeno 1,4 milioni di case sono senz'acqua . Lo riferiscono le autorità secondo quanto riportato dalla Bbc. Cinquantanove autocisterne sono state già inviate nelle zone più colpite. Circa 3 milioni di persone sono senza elettricità e le compagnie annunciano che ci vorrà un po' per ripristinare il servizio.
PREMIER, unprecedented disaster - a disaster "unprecedented" to overcome "all together". He said Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, at a press conference after this morning made a visit to the places destroyed by the tsunami. "The quake caused a tsunami larger than expected."
STILL SHOCK, SALT ACTIVITY 'NIIGATA, NAGANO - At least twenty shakes high magnitude (a magnitude of between 3-7) that were recorded in the last ten hours in Japan, including those on the northeastern coast, already devastated yesterday, and the new front of Nagano-Niigata on the west side, which opened surprise during the night showing signs of a particularly lively. The most powerful earthquake of the hour is 10.46 (the 2:46 in Italy), reported the Japanese Meteorological Agency, with a magnitude of 6.4 and its epicenter located in front of Fukushima Prefecture, in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 40 km.
The Japanese army announced that it had found 300-400 corpses in the port of Rikuzentakata (north east), swept away by the tsunami Following the devastating earthquake that hit Japan yesterday
EXPLOSION IN CENTRAL FUKUSHIMA - A powerful explosion occurred in central Fukushima, to the point that would pulverize the outdoor cage containing one of the reactors. Some employees were injured. The roof of the reactor in Fukushima severe problems with leakage of the cooling system has collapsed. This is confirmed by the operator of TEPCO, saying that the nuclear explosion occurred during the aftershocks.
STILL SHOCK, SALT ACTIVITY 'NIIGATA, NAGANO - At least twenty shakes high magnitude (a magnitude of between 3-7) that were recorded in the last ten hours in Japan, including those on the northeastern coast, already devastated yesterday, and the new front of Nagano-Niigata on the west side, which opened surprise during the night showing signs of a particularly lively. The most powerful earthquake of the hour is 10.46 (the 2:46 in Italy), reported the Japanese Meteorological Agency, with a magnitude of 6.4 and its epicenter located in front of Fukushima Prefecture, in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 40 km.
The Japanese army announced that it had found 300-400 corpses in the port of Rikuzentakata (north east), swept away by the tsunami Following the devastating earthquake that hit Japan yesterday
EXPLOSION IN CENTRAL FUKUSHIMA - A powerful explosion occurred in central Fukushima, to the point that would pulverize the outdoor cage containing one of the reactors. Some employees were injured. The roof of the reactor in Fukushima severe problems with leakage of the cooling system has collapsed. This is confirmed by the operator of TEPCO, saying that the nuclear explosion occurred during the aftershocks.
The government ordered residents to leave the area within a radius of 20 km.
Previously, the Japanese public television NHK had invited those living in areas near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, beyond the area already evacuated the house plugs and close the windows . The TV has also advised the residents of the area near the nuclear plant to protect against radiation. According to experts, it is necessary to cover nose and mouth with a wet towel and wash your hands as soon as returned home. People should also avoid vegetables, other fresh food and tap water, prior to clearance by the authorities.
Meanwhile the government has ordered the immediate dispatch of a team of 'super firefighters' Fukushima, plant n1.
radiation received by a person in an hour which is the site of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima are the limit of radioactivity that must not be exceeded in a year. The Japanese NHK public television said quoting experts who have measured the level of radiation from the central entrance.
Previously, the Japanese public television NHK had invited those living in areas near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, beyond the area already evacuated the house plugs and close the windows . The TV has also advised the residents of the area near the nuclear plant to protect against radiation. According to experts, it is necessary to cover nose and mouth with a wet towel and wash your hands as soon as returned home. People should also avoid vegetables, other fresh food and tap water, prior to clearance by the authorities.
Meanwhile the government has ordered the immediate dispatch of a team of 'super firefighters' Fukushima, plant n1.
radiation received by a person in an hour which is the site of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima are the limit of radioactivity that must not be exceeded in a year. The Japanese NHK public television said quoting experts who have measured the level of radiation from the central entrance.
THREE exposed to radiation, PATIENTS - Three people have been evacuated from areas surrounding the central Fukushima n1 have been exposed to radiation and admitted to hospital immediately. Nipponese media reported.
the graph: the nuclear Fukushima
The central Fukushima I, which has been declared the first official nuclear emergency in Japan, is one of 25 nuclear power plants the world's largest. Run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant is located in the town of Okuma, about 200 km from Tokyo, Fukushima prefecture, and consists of six separate units with each other, which have a total production of 4.7 GW . At about 11 km from the center of Fukushima is another nuclear plant to Fukushima 2.At the time of the earthquake were in operation three of the six reactors, which are automatically switched off while the other three were stopped for maintenance. It is central to the type BWR (Boiling Water Reactor), a model designed in the United in the 50s. The construction of the Japanese began in 1966 and the plant became operational in 1971. The central type Bwr using demineralized water to cool the reactor. The heat produced by the process of nuclear fission that occurs inside the reactor is cooled by water that is heated vaporizes. The resulting vapor is used to drive a turbine and then is condensed and becomes liquid water within the reactor in a circle.
IAEA demand information from TOKYO - The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is calling for "urgent" information Nipponese authorities on the outbreak that occurred in a Fukushima nuclear power. "We know the media reports and other information we are asking with urgency," he told Reuters an official organization based in Vienna.
currently has not been adopted in the international network for the security part of the Agency for International Nuclear Safety Agency (IAEA) alert about any kind of nuclear explosion in central Japan's Fukushima . Experts say the explosion of media reports that Japan may be of conventional design. Could be fired, for example, fuel tanks, as a result of the earthquake.
currently has not been adopted in the international network for the security part of the Agency for International Nuclear Safety Agency (IAEA) alert about any kind of nuclear explosion in central Japan's Fukushima . Experts say the explosion of media reports that Japan may be of conventional design. Could be fired, for example, fuel tanks, as a result of the earthquake.
Grinnell Grinnell Scorpion
Nuclear power? No, thank you!
not worry, be safe! The security systems are foolproof, and the ultramodern. The Chernobyl accident? She was old, outdated, obsolete.
So say those who, twenty years after the referendum, would like to reopen the nuclear power plants in Italy.
What is happening in Japan after the devastating earthquake that devastated that country, shows that it is not, that the Italian right tells lies. The earthquake risk may damage or render useless any system, regardless of infrastructure, with more or less serious damage, more or less irreversible depending on its structural characteristics, but the extent of that damage as serious and tragic, is limited. The same quake, however, that a nuclear strike, would cause terrible devastating effects for magnitude and duration. With an injury and a severe impairment of the very life of future generations and the environment that future generations will inherit.
We can not and must not allow this to happen.
must prevent the return of nuclear power in Italy.
You have to do with the vote in a referendum in June, saying no to the nuclear program of right-wing government (PDL and Lega Nord) and you have to do demonstrations and protests against the recent decisions of the government itself right (PDL and Lega Nord) which unfortunately hit the renewable energy sector.
So, no to nuclear power plants, wood chip boilers yes, yes to the biomass, so the solar panels, wind turbines are to you to geothermal, is all'idrolettrico, the Concentrating Solar Power, yes to energy from renewable sources. Yes, to a future free from fear and want.
PS. ... Dedicated to those who say that there is no difference between left and right!
of George Sagrini
not worry, be safe! The security systems are foolproof, and the ultramodern. The Chernobyl accident? She was old, outdated, obsolete.
So say those who, twenty years after the referendum, would like to reopen the nuclear power plants in Italy.
What is happening in Japan after the devastating earthquake that devastated that country, shows that it is not, that the Italian right tells lies. The earthquake risk may damage or render useless any system, regardless of infrastructure, with more or less serious damage, more or less irreversible depending on its structural characteristics, but the extent of that damage as serious and tragic, is limited. The same quake, however, that a nuclear strike, would cause terrible devastating effects for magnitude and duration. With an injury and a severe impairment of the very life of future generations and the environment that future generations will inherit.
We can not and must not allow this to happen.
must prevent the return of nuclear power in Italy.
You have to do with the vote in a referendum in June, saying no to the nuclear program of right-wing government (PDL and Lega Nord) and you have to do demonstrations and protests against the recent decisions of the government itself right (PDL and Lega Nord) which unfortunately hit the renewable energy sector.
So, no to nuclear power plants, wood chip boilers yes, yes to the biomass, so the solar panels, wind turbines are to you to geothermal, is all'idrolettrico, the Concentrating Solar Power, yes to energy from renewable sources. Yes, to a future free from fear and want.
PS. ... Dedicated to those who say that there is no difference between left and right!
Friday, March 11, 2011
When I Ejaculate It Tingles Afterwards
March 17: the unification of Italy and the Catholics.
Il Segretario del nostro circolo PD ci invita a pubblicare sul sito le nostre riflessioni sula Festa del 17 Marzo per l'Unità d’Italia
Aderendo all'invito debbo premettere che non essendo nè giornalista nè storico potrò esprimere opinioni non esattamente aderenti all'argomento oppure fuori contesto storico, e quindi non condivise.
Sento però il desiderio di intervenire dopo avere assistito per mesi a dispute tra storici e politici che da un lato tendevano a sminuire il valore (per me non solo simbolico) della ricorrenza del 150° anniversario della dichiarazione dell'Unità d'Italia e dall'altro ad usarla per giudicare i buoni e cattivi protagonisti del Risorgimento, assegnando agli uni il diritto alla esclusività dei festeggiamenti e agli altri la condanna per il presunto mancato impegno profuso per realizzare l'obiettivo.
("Appello ai Liberi e Forti" di Don Luigi Sturzo)
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The breach of Porta Pia (Rome, September 20, 1870) |
of Giacomo Giacometti
Il Segretario del nostro circolo PD ci invita a pubblicare sul sito le nostre riflessioni sula Festa del 17 Marzo per l'Unità d’Italia
Aderendo all'invito debbo premettere che non essendo nè giornalista nè storico potrò esprimere opinioni non esattamente aderenti all'argomento oppure fuori contesto storico, e quindi non condivise.
Sento però il desiderio di intervenire dopo avere assistito per mesi a dispute tra storici e politici che da un lato tendevano a sminuire il valore (per me non solo simbolico) della ricorrenza del 150° anniversario della dichiarazione dell'Unità d'Italia e dall'altro ad usarla per giudicare i buoni e cattivi protagonisti del Risorgimento, assegnando agli uni il diritto alla esclusività dei festeggiamenti e agli altri la condanna per il presunto mancato impegno profuso per realizzare l'obiettivo.
("Appello ai Liberi e Forti" di Don Luigi Sturzo)
Scottish Phrasesdrinking
Japan devastated by the tsunami
Violento terremoto, scosse fino a 8,9 Richter. A Tokyo crolli e vittime. Allarme maremoto nell'Oceano Pacifico. Disastro sulla costa, la polizia: " A Sendai 200-300 corpi sulla spiaggia ". E' probabile che siano più di 1.000 le vittime di terremoto e tsunami. Gli Stati Uniti hanno fornito al Giappone ampie quantità di liquido di raffreddamento nucleare, destinato alla centrale damaged by the earthquake today. The Kyodo agency reported. Two thousand evacuated near the nuclear power plant. Travolta ship, missing the train. Explosion at refinery. Airports closed, limited telephone service. The government asks for help to the U.S. military, Obama: "We are ready . The World Bank stands ready to assist the government and the Japanese people. This was communicated by the same institute in Washington, stressed that they had "great experience" in managing natural disasters. ( by The Republic )
Violento terremoto, scosse fino a 8,9 Richter. A Tokyo crolli e vittime. Allarme maremoto nell'Oceano Pacifico. Disastro sulla costa, la polizia: " A Sendai 200-300 corpi sulla spiaggia ". E' probabile che siano più di 1.000 le vittime di terremoto e tsunami. Gli Stati Uniti hanno fornito al Giappone ampie quantità di liquido di raffreddamento nucleare, destinato alla centrale damaged by the earthquake today. The Kyodo agency reported. Two thousand evacuated near the nuclear power plant. Travolta ship, missing the train. Explosion at refinery. Airports closed, limited telephone service. The government asks for help to the U.S. military, Obama: "We are ready . The World Bank stands ready to assist the government and the Japanese people. This was communicated by the same institute in Washington, stressed that they had "great experience" in managing natural disasters. ( by The Republic )
Stem Cell Osteoarthritis
Earthquake in Japan. Disastrous consequences!
The latest news in anxiety, we learn that the devastating earthquake of magnitude 8.9 hit Japan this morning is creating concern for effects on nuclear activity in the country.
A ship carrying 100 people was swept away by the tsunami that struck the north east of the country. The UN International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, announced that the four Japanese nuclear power plant closest to the epicenter were blocked successfully and are now collecting information su quali Paesi e strutture nucleari possano essere a rischio per lo tsunami scatenato dal sisma.
Il governo giapponese ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza per la centrale nucleare di Onagawa nella prefettura di Miyagi e ha fatto anche sapere che il processo di raffreddamento di uno dei reattori non sta procedendo come previsto, dopo che un inizio di incendio era stato segnalato in un edificio che ospita una turbina nella stessa centrale. Secondo stime dei media, il terremoto, uno dei piu' violenti da quando viene misurata la magnitudo dei sisma ha causato almeno 42 morti ma si teme che il bilancio possa aumentare dato che una nave con circa 100 persone a bordo è stata travolta by the tsunami.
In addition, a 10-meter high wall of water reached the city of Sendai, Honshu Island in northeast Japan, where the sea has gone up to five kilometers in the prefecture of Fukushima , where - according to initial information alemno - focuses the May number of victims. How TV shows images that recall those of the disastrous tsunami that struck Indonesia in December 2004 causing at least 130,000 dead. The first shock, followed by others of a settlement, was recorded at 14:46 local time (6:46 in Italy) and a tsunami alert was declared across the ocean except for the continental United States and Canada. In particular, into force in Russia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Fiji, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. While earlier the alarm and 'was lifted for Taiwan and New Zealand.
Evacuations were ordered in Hawaii and in several coastal areas of other countries. In the Japanese capital, Tokyo Tower's antenna, the symbol of the city 'and Japan's post-war reconstruction, it is bent. Among other things, a huge fire broke out in an oil refinery in Iichihara. The Japanese Foreign Minister, Takeaki Matsumoto, has announced that the country will accept 'international aid:
Even several hours after the earthquake, the fixed and mobile telephony was virtually impossible in the Tokyo area, instead it has withstood the Internet. The earthquakes have hit the Japanese capital today in full working day, when the population of about 13 million people doubles with the arrival of commuters, who are now trying to return home on foot.
BENT ANTENNA TOWER TOKYO - The antenna on top of Tokyo Tower, the symbol of Japan's capital and the post-war reconstruction, it is bent due to earthquakes in the afternoon. The TV report the Nipponese.
BENT ANTENNA TOWER TOKYO - The antenna on top of Tokyo Tower, the symbol of Japan's capital and the post-war reconstruction, it is bent due to earthquakes in the afternoon. The TV report the Nipponese.
TSUNAMI 10 METERS IN THE CITY ' SENDAI - A 10-meter tsunami reached the city of Sendai, while in the prefecture of Aomori, the northern island of Honshu always, they would have had waves even higher. The report Fuji Television.
VIRTUALLY ALL PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING - The tsunami alert was declared in the Pacific except for the continental United States and Canada. The countries in which an alert is in effect are especially Russia, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. For the moment there's no evidence of serious tsunami also outside of Japan.
Racquel Darrian Galleries
Earthquake In Japan, 8.9 Richter intensity and Tsunami on the coasts.
RAINEWS A second source is about a ship with 700 people on board this morning overwhelmed by the tsunami.
At 14:46 local time (6:46 in Italy), a first violent earthquake struck Japan, in ' North Pacific Ocean, one of the most seismic of the North.
Although there are many years structures can withstand such disasters, there's news of many deaths, injuries and massive damage to housing and industrial.
"Here in Tokyo, the quake was frightening both in intensity and duration ',' said Mauro Politi, an assistant professor of Mitaka, at the outskirts of Tokyo. Although the Japanese are accustomed to earthquakes, he said,'' the feeling was different from the usual'': ''now seemed to be on a ship at sea.''
A start fire was reported at a building housing a turbine at the power station of Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, while the antenna on top of Tokyo Tower, the symbol of Japan's capital and the post-war reconstruction, has folded after the shock.
The 8.9-magnitude earthquake that has just devastated Japan is among the ten most violent events in the last 100-150 years, ie since there are tools to calculate the energy released by earthquakes.
said the president of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Enzo Boschi. Among the strongest earthquakes on record that Japan ranks seventh. To dominate the terrible earthquake of magnitude 9.5 that struck Chile in 1960, followed by a magnitude 9.2, which four years later shook Alaska. These two earthquakes, like the other most violent ever recorded and just like the one that hit Japan, occurred along the seismic zone of the planet's most restless, the Pacific Ring of Fire. The third earthquake was more violent than ever to have been a magnitude 9.1 that struck Sumatra on Dec. 26, 2004, creating a devastating tsunami. Followed by three earthquakes of magnitude 9.0 occurred in 1952 in the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka, in 1868 and in Chile in 1700 in Canada and the United States. Following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan today.
As occurred off the coast of Japan, il sisma ha procurato subito l'allarme Tsunami, che puntuale si è abbattuto poco dopo.
Onde di 10 metri hanno colpito l'isola giapponese di Honshu e altre di almeno sette metri e mezzo la prefettura di Fukushima. Si teme che le onde dello Tsunami possano arrivare a colpire nelle ore successive tutte le aree costiere del Pacidico, come le Hawaii, le Marianne, nel nord delle Filippine e nelle isole russe delle Curili meridionali. In Indonesia.
Questo sisma, a detta del dot. Francesco Mele unzionario di sala sismica dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Ingv) è stato ''alcune migliaia di volte'' piu' violento di quello dell'Aquila April 6, 2009. The magnitude'', he explained, is calculated on a logarithmic scale, so the increase of one degree corresponds to an increase of a factor of 30.'' As a result an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 and '900 times more' than a violent earthquake of magnitude 6.2, as the one that struck the Eagle three years ago.
Map affected area, auto-refreshing
In the frame above the fury of the tidal waves that reach the coast, sweeping away everything , houses, cars, trees, people.
A tsunami of 10 meters has reached the city of Sendai, while in the prefecture of Aomori, the northern island of Honshu always, they would have been even higher waves. The report Fuji Television.
The tsunami alert was declared in the Pacific except for the continental United States and Canada. The countries in which an alert is in effect are especially Russia, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. For the moment there's no evidence of serious tsunami also outside of Japan. From
RAI NEWS sources we learn that an earthquake measuring 4.5 Richter struck just now even Hawaii. Are not currently registered to persons or property damage.
RAINEWS A second source is about a ship with 700 people on board this morning overwhelmed by the tsunami.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Does The Measles Look Like
solved the mystery of the small size of Mars?
Mars is a planet of limited size, but for scientists who study the birth the Solar System, is too small.
"This is an outstanding problem in the formation of terrestrial planets ", said Dr. David Minton from the Southwest Research Institute. " Anyone doing simulations on the formation of terrestrial planets, he will always be that Mars is 5-10 times larger than the reality. "
Minton and his colleague Dr. Hal Levison have created new simulations to solve the mystery of its small size, including the effect of what is known as " migration of planetesimals " and small objects called Minton " Marstinis ", which could radically change our minds and the recent bombings in the late period of the formation of the Solar System.
Planetary scientists agree that the terrestrial planets would have formed very rapidly within the first 5-10 million years of the Solar System and Earth's moon would have made an impact between a Mars-sized object (called Theia) with the proto-Earth in the same period. Then
heavy bombing would take place with the formation of a large number of impact craters on the moon within a span of just 70 million years on Earth and, by deduction, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Most theories on the formation planet can not explain this intense period of bombardment so late in the history of the Solar System.
Levison and his team, proposed in 2005 the famous "Nice model" , where the bombing was a late consequence of the rapid migration of the giant planets that destabilized a disc composed of numerous small "planetesimals". This caused a sudden and massive movement of asteroids and comets toward the inner solar system.
But, according to the model, the planetesimals would probably also caused the migration of planets.
The planets were formed from a giant disk composed of gas, dust, dirt, rocks and ice that surrounded the Sun debris coalesced to form larger objects and simulations show that the planet has built larger smaller items by dispersing other items with different angular momentum.
The perturbations of small rocky or icy objects that surrounded a larger object could have caused the displacement of diverting it from its orbit. According to Minton
fact: "Every time they met the planetesimals larger object, they actually caused a little push in the opposite position of the object larger" .
Minton Levison and have applied the same natural migration for the formation of terrestrial planets.
"In the case of Mars, we must imagine these planetary embryos located in the zone of influence of the Earth and Venus" , said Minton. "Then we would have a growing embryo that becomes the size of Mars and begin to migrate because of the shift imposed by other planetesimals. So as they move across the disk, has moved away from the area of \u200b\u200bdense material."
So, the growth of Mars stopped at the current volume, because the migration took him away from the area full of useful material for its further growth. According to Minton, their simulation explains very well because of its small size.
"We have made numerous calculations and the migration must have been rather rapid" said, "and Mars can be migrated before reaching larger.
A similar scenario, with Mars expelled to the edge of the disk material at 1.5 AU, where it is now, has enabled the Earth and Venus to reach its current size. The migration of Mars might have caused the collection of planetesimals in gravitational resonance.
"The reason for this is not obvious," said Minton but "the same thing could have occurred in the outer Solar System that is what has given the present orbit Pluto. We believe that Pluto was actually taken in a 3:2 resonance with Neptune when it migrated to its current position. "
The plutinos are other objects in the Kuiper Belt near Pluto, and being in resonance, spin around the Sun three times for every 2 times of Neptune. There are also two Tinos, which are trapped in a 1:2 resonance with Neptune, which are located towards the outer edge of the Kuiper belt.
The new simulations show that these resonance lines almost always act as a snow plow, and when Neptune migrated outwards picked up with him all these small icy bodies including Pluto and plutinos.
This phenomenon could also have happened with Mars and migrate through the disc while it may have picked up small objects with them.
"I decided to call these objects Marstinis, referring to plutinos" Minton said with a smile. But the interesting thing is that Marstinis of a 3:2 resonance with Mars is actually a very unstable area.
"There was actually a resonance with Saturn, during the latter stages of the bombing, because before then, was in a different position." So it was only after the planets giganti sono migrati alla loro posizione attuale che questa posizione risonanza è diventato instabile. Quindi pensiamo che questi Marstinis sarebbero stati stabili e in quel periodo di transizione tra la fine della formazione dei pianeti e i pesanti bombardamenti, tutto ad un tratto questa regione divenne instabile quando i pianeti si spostarono dalle precedenti posizioni a quelle attuali".
Sopra una rappresentazione artistica del "Late Heavy Bombardment", quella devastante pioggia di asteroidi che ridusse la Luna ad un cimitero di crateri e che probabilmente contribui a portare l'acqua sulla Terra tramite gli impatti cometari.
Potrebbero i Marstinis essere i responsabili del "Late Heavy Bombardment"?
"Questi Marstinis furono spinti dalle regioni di formazione planetaria verso la fascia degli asteroidi e poi ad un tratto i pianeti migrati e l'intera regione divennero instabili e molti finirono nel Sistema Solare interno finendo per colpire la Luna". Abbiamo ragione di pensare che gli oggetti che hanno colpito la Luna durante il Late Heavy Bombardment erano una specie di asteroidi ma non esattamente come quelli che vediamo ora" , ha detto Minton. "Dunque, ci sono alcuni argomenti che potrebbero essere approfonditi con una analisi chimica degli impatti lunari, per stabilire se si trattava di asteroidi o comete".Questi interrogativi could be solved by going back to the moon and there is almost no other better place where you can go. The lunar surface is indeed one of the best places to understand the history of the Solar System. "
Minton has presented its findings at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in the month of March 2011.
Write Up Fake Community Service Hours Worked
The Prefect Corda visiting Casola
First official visit of the new prefect of Ravenna, Bruno Corda upper valley of the Senio. On the morning of Today, the prefect, accompanied by his chief of staff, Panunti Mara, was incorporated in the municipal buildings of Casola Valsenio and Riolo Terme. The tour started from knowledge of the area where the prefect Casola Valsenio Corda met in addition to representatives from the police, the mayor Nicola Iseppi with whom he met to exchange impressions on most issues related to the administration of territory.
Iseppi pointed out to the prefect, "the need for strong and specific attention by the State for the hydrogeological structure of the territory on several occasions led to serious damage to roads and economy of the territory." For the Mayor cottage "is important so that we can as soon as possible to unlock some funding requests for interventions for road safety, infrastructure, and then the area as a whole."
First official visit of the new prefect of Ravenna, Bruno Corda upper valley of the Senio. On the morning of Today, the prefect, accompanied by his chief of staff, Panunti Mara, was incorporated in the municipal buildings of Casola Valsenio and Riolo Terme. The tour started from knowledge of the area where the prefect Casola Valsenio Corda met in addition to representatives from the police, the mayor Nicola Iseppi with whom he met to exchange impressions on most issues related to the administration of territory.
Iseppi pointed out to the prefect, "the need for strong and specific attention by the State for the hydrogeological structure of the territory on several occasions led to serious damage to roads and economy of the territory." For the Mayor cottage "is important so that we can as soon as possible to unlock some funding requests for interventions for road safety, infrastructure, and then the area as a whole."
Paraglider Top Altitude
The PD does not give up. Renewables initiative of Representatives Democrats
"I sent a letter to President Fini request to amend the agenda of the House next week and put to a vote a motion that commits our government to change the legislative decree on renewable energy. "
This was announced by PD leader of the House Dario Franceschini during a meeting in the House, with some entrepreneurs. After approval
the decree by which you reduce the facilities provided for the installation of equipment for the production of renewable energy PD, therefore, asked the Government to amend the measure "to avoid uncertainty - says Franceschini - a key area for ' country's economy. "
"I sent a letter to President Fini request to amend the agenda of the House next week and put to a vote a motion that commits our government to change the legislative decree on renewable energy. "
This was announced by PD leader of the House Dario Franceschini during a meeting in the House, with some entrepreneurs. After approval
the decree by which you reduce the facilities provided for the installation of equipment for the production of renewable energy PD, therefore, asked the Government to amend the measure "to avoid uncertainty - says Franceschini - a key area for ' country's economy. "
Cat With Swollen Elbow
As every year from age 62, March 21 we celebrate the Festival of Trees
will be held Monday, March 21 at the school complex in Via S. Martina the traditional festival of the trees in the presence of pupils of Casola Valsenio and 17 "small casolani" born in 2010 .
For every child born in 2010 will receive a certificate which will be accompanied by planting, on the Administration, a plant in the green area immediately adjacent to the municipal gym.
The ceremony will start at 10.00 with a greeting from Mayor Nicholas Iseppi and continue with the following program:
10:15 am: Speeches by representatives of Hera Imola-Faenza on water and environmental respect;
10.30: shows organized by the children of the nursery and the school children of Casola Valsenio;
10:45 am: Delivery of certificates to all persons born in 2010 and delivery of the gadgets offered to children by Hera;
11.00: Refreshments for all participants.
will be held Monday, March 21 at the school complex in Via S. Martina the traditional festival of the trees in the presence of pupils of Casola Valsenio and 17 "small casolani" born in 2010 .
For every child born in 2010 will receive a certificate which will be accompanied by planting, on the Administration, a plant in the green area immediately adjacent to the municipal gym.
The ceremony will start at 10.00 with a greeting from Mayor Nicholas Iseppi and continue with the following program:
10:15 am: Speeches by representatives of Hera Imola-Faenza on water and environmental respect;
10.30: shows organized by the children of the nursery and the school children of Casola Valsenio;
10:45 am: Delivery of certificates to all persons born in 2010 and delivery of the gadgets offered to children by Hera;
11.00: Refreshments for all participants.
Freestyles About People With Big Ears
Another step in the deployment of renewable energy: March 15 opens the boiler with wood chips of the school
Tuesday, March 15, 2011, alle ore 11.00 nella scuola elementare e media in Via Santa Martina, si terrà la cerimonia di inaugurazione della caldaia a cippato (progetto finanziato al 70% dal Programma regionale di sviluppo rurale), realizzata dal Comune di Casola Valsenio e dalla Società Esco "Senio Energia".
Interverranno, il Sindaco di Casola Valsenio Nicola Iseppi , l'Assessore regionale all'agricoltura Tiberio Rabboni , l'Assessore provinciale all'agricoltura Libero Asioli , l'Assessore comunale alla pubblica istruzione Milena Barzaglia e il progettista dell'impianto Andrea Montuschi .
Tuesday, March 15, 2011, alle ore 11.00 nella scuola elementare e media in Via Santa Martina, si terrà la cerimonia di inaugurazione della caldaia a cippato (progetto finanziato al 70% dal Programma regionale di sviluppo rurale), realizzata dal Comune di Casola Valsenio e dalla Società Esco "Senio Energia".
Interverranno, il Sindaco di Casola Valsenio Nicola Iseppi , l'Assessore regionale all'agricoltura Tiberio Rabboni , l'Assessore provinciale all'agricoltura Libero Asioli , l'Assessore comunale alla pubblica istruzione Milena Barzaglia e il progettista dell'impianto Andrea Montuschi .
Lactic Acidosis More Condition_symptoms
renewable energy PDL and the Northern League have reached the bottom of the barrel .... The PD will fight to take back the government
"The approval of the bylaw proposed by the Minister for Economic Development, Paul Romans, is the sad end of the process of de-legitimization implemented by the government against renewables. Such a measure will have devastating consequences on the system of environmental protection of our country and put the knee in the Green Economy emerging industry with the consequent loss of thousands of jobs and millions of Euros of investment.
Northern League and PDL have really hit rock bottom. The bottom of the barrel, as the decree promotes the use, energy supply, fossil fuels (oil and gas) at the expense of renewables, leaving, in addition, the open door adoption of nuclear power. Once again the government proves that thinking in terms of mere profit, grant favors to the "usual suspects" and not caring citizens, the preservation of land, labor, research and the environment. In particular, the puzzling behavior of the Northern League that despite the proclamations on federalism, it becomes complicit in a decision that will have heavy impact on the system of local economies, especially virtuous in areas such as Emilia-Romagna.
why the PD, along with industry associations, will participate in the demonstration in Rome in favor of renewable energy, will fight in all locations for the government to revoke this decision.
If the decree is not changed, in fact, all hope for a more sustainable future for our country is destined to drown in a pool of black oil. "
Note by the Secretary of the Democratic Party of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini responsible and Environment and Energy Alessandro Bratti approval of the "Decree of the Romans"
"The approval of the bylaw proposed by the Minister for Economic Development, Paul Romans, is the sad end of the process of de-legitimization implemented by the government against renewables. Such a measure will have devastating consequences on the system of environmental protection of our country and put the knee in the Green Economy emerging industry with the consequent loss of thousands of jobs and millions of Euros of investment.
Northern League and PDL have really hit rock bottom. The bottom of the barrel, as the decree promotes the use, energy supply, fossil fuels (oil and gas) at the expense of renewables, leaving, in addition, the open door adoption of nuclear power. Once again the government proves that thinking in terms of mere profit, grant favors to the "usual suspects" and not caring citizens, the preservation of land, labor, research and the environment. In particular, the puzzling behavior of the Northern League that despite the proclamations on federalism, it becomes complicit in a decision that will have heavy impact on the system of local economies, especially virtuous in areas such as Emilia-Romagna.
why the PD, along with industry associations, will participate in the demonstration in Rome in favor of renewable energy, will fight in all locations for the government to revoke this decision.
If the decree is not changed, in fact, all hope for a more sustainable future for our country is destined to drown in a pool of black oil. "
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sentences Of Congratulations On The Newborn
anomalies of the planet "b Pictoris"
New high angular resolution observations of the giant planet orbiting the star β Pictoris are helping scientists understand the mechanisms by which extrasolar planets are formed.
β Pic is a young star of about 12 million years [1] , placed at 63.4 years diatanza light with a mass 75% greater than that of our Sun
β Pic is well known to scientists because it houses a large circumstellar disk, the first directly taken more than 25 years ago.
In 2009, he discovered a giant planet within the disk with an orbital distance from 8 to 15 astronomical units (AU) from the star.
β Pic is well known to scientists because it houses a large circumstellar disk, the first directly taken more than 25 years ago.
In 2009, he discovered a giant planet within the disk with an orbital distance from 8 to 15 astronomical units (AU) from the star.
β Pictoris b is the nearest extrasolar planet to sua stella che sia mai stato ripreso. Questo pianeta offre una nuova opportunità per studiare i processi di formazione planetaria, in particolare le interazioni tra i pianeti e i loro dischi nativi.
Un team internazionale di astronomi [2] hanno osservato il sistema β Pic, utilizzando lo strumento da 2,18 micron, sul VLT mentre le precedenti osservazioni erano state fatte vicino ai 4 micron. Il team ha individuato il pianeta e ha confrontato queste nuove osservazioni con quelle precedenti. Combinando insieme tutti i dati, il team è stato poi in grado di misurare la massa del pianeta, dalle 7 alle 11 volte quella di Giove e la sua temperatura effettiva, tra i 1100 e i 1700 ° C [3] .
Questi nuovi dati ci dicono qualcosa in più sulla sua formazione. Il pianeta β Pic b è ancora caldo, il che implica che ha mantenuto la maggior parte del calore primordiale acquisito durante la sua formazione. Se si é formato in modo analogo ai pianeti giganti del nostro Sistema Solare [4] , la sua massa e la sua temperatura non possono essere spiegate dagli attuali modelli evolutivi che ipotizzano un rilascio della quantità di energia acquisita durante l'accrescimento dei materiali disco, nei primi milioni di anni dalla formazione.
Quindi le prossime osservazioni di β Pictoris b con il Naco sul VLT e i telescopi spaziali di nuova generazione dovranno fornire maggiori dettagli sulla its atmosphere and its orbital properties to understand how he can influence the surrounding disk of material.
Un team internazionale di astronomi [2] hanno osservato il sistema β Pic, utilizzando lo strumento da 2,18 micron, sul VLT mentre le precedenti osservazioni erano state fatte vicino ai 4 micron. Il team ha individuato il pianeta e ha confrontato queste nuove osservazioni con quelle precedenti. Combinando insieme tutti i dati, il team è stato poi in grado di misurare la massa del pianeta, dalle 7 alle 11 volte quella di Giove e la sua temperatura effettiva, tra i 1100 e i 1700 ° C [3] .
Questi nuovi dati ci dicono qualcosa in più sulla sua formazione. Il pianeta β Pic b è ancora caldo, il che implica che ha mantenuto la maggior parte del calore primordiale acquisito durante la sua formazione. Se si é formato in modo analogo ai pianeti giganti del nostro Sistema Solare [4] , la sua massa e la sua temperatura non possono essere spiegate dagli attuali modelli evolutivi che ipotizzano un rilascio della quantità di energia acquisita durante l'accrescimento dei materiali disco, nei primi milioni di anni dalla formazione.
Quindi le prossime osservazioni di β Pictoris b con il Naco sul VLT e i telescopi spaziali di nuova generazione dovranno fornire maggiori dettagli sulla its atmosphere and its orbital properties to understand how he can influence the surrounding disk of material.
image above observations dell'esopianeta b β Pictoris. The planet has been taken in 2003 (picture left) to L (3.8 micron), the plane of the circumstellar disk surrounding the star (not seen here). E 'was found once again in October of 2009 (center) when he moved to the other side of the star. The new observations in March 2010 to 2.18 microns, are shown in the right panel. The planet has shifted once again from its measured position in 2009. (Credit: Image courtesy of Astronomy & Astrophysics)
[1] β Pictoris system is much younger than that of our solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
[2] The team of astronomers includes M. Bonnefoy, A.-M. Lagrange, G. Chauvin, D. Ehrenreich, D. Mouillet (iPage, Grenoble, France), A. Boccaletti, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour (LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France), D. Apai (Space Telescope Institute, Baltimore, USA), F. Allard (CRAL-ENS, Lyon, France), Girard JHV (ESO, Santiago, Cile), M. Kasper (ESO, Garching, Germania).
[3] La temperatura effettiva di un pianeta è la temperatura superficiale che si avrebbe se fosse irradiato come un "corpo nero", cioè, se assorbisse tutta la radiazione proveniente dalla sua stella e non fosse riemessa verso lo spazio. Ad esempio, la temperatura effettiva terrestre è di circa -18 ° C, mentre la sua temperatura superficiale effettiva è di 14 ° C in media.
[4] I pianeti giganti del nostro Sistema Solare (Giove, Saturno, Urano e Nettuno) si sono molto probabilmente formati all'interno del disco circumstellare che circonda il Sole a partire da embrioni di materiale solido (ghiaccio, silicate) were engulfed by the circumstellar disk surrounding the GSS.
[2] The team of astronomers includes M. Bonnefoy, A.-M. Lagrange, G. Chauvin, D. Ehrenreich, D. Mouillet (iPage, Grenoble, France), A. Boccaletti, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour (LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France), D. Apai (Space Telescope Institute, Baltimore, USA), F. Allard (CRAL-ENS, Lyon, France), Girard JHV (ESO, Santiago, Cile), M. Kasper (ESO, Garching, Germania).
[3] La temperatura effettiva di un pianeta è la temperatura superficiale che si avrebbe se fosse irradiato come un "corpo nero", cioè, se assorbisse tutta la radiazione proveniente dalla sua stella e non fosse riemessa verso lo spazio. Ad esempio, la temperatura effettiva terrestre è di circa -18 ° C, mentre la sua temperatura superficiale effettiva è di 14 ° C in media.
[4] I pianeti giganti del nostro Sistema Solare (Giove, Saturno, Urano e Nettuno) si sono molto probabilmente formati all'interno del disco circumstellare che circonda il Sole a partire da embrioni di materiale solido (ghiaccio, silicate) were engulfed by the circumstellar disk surrounding the GSS.
another planet in another solar system, in a primordial stage of its existence, is like going back in time and see how developed the planets of our Solar System.
Only after gaining a full understanding of planetary formation, you can make an exact scientific model. Each star, according to its mass and the material made by any nuclear fuel, has the ability to create a planetary system.
Only after gaining a full understanding of planetary formation, you can make an exact scientific model. Each star, according to its mass and the material made by any nuclear fuel, has the ability to create a planetary system.
reducing the data analysis in an exact model, which is not easy, can be easier for scientists in the future, identify planetary systems with terrestrial planets suitable to host life as we know it.
When a second Earth will be discovered and implemented a mathematical model, then analyzing the star forming discs or exoplanets known, can also be initiated in a systematic hunting belt of habitable planets.
When a second Earth will be discovered and implemented a mathematical model, then analyzing the star forming discs or exoplanets known, can also be initiated in a systematic hunting belt of habitable planets.
to research institutions such as the SETI will then be easier to fathom the possible presence of man-made radio signals of intelligent life.
Translation and closing remarks by Arthur McPaul (Center UFO Ion)
Translation and closing remarks by Arthur McPaul (Center UFO Ion)
Lower Leg Pain After Marriage
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Saturday, March 12, at 20.30 in the Sala Don Guidan , there will be an evening meeting and music entitled significantly "VIVISPERABALLA" experience Output from cancer.
The meeting - sponsored by the Equal Opportunity Casola and the Pomegranate Society - will be attended by Dr. . Stefano Tamberi , Director of Oncology Unit Faenza, psychologist and psychotherapist Elena Samorì to be followed by direct evidence of life stories by some women. Musical events will follow the orchestra Chiarazula and Dj Niko .
To conclude the meeting a buffet.
The entrance to the evening is free and all citizens are invited to attend.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Saturday, March 12, at 20.30 in the Sala Don Guidan , there will be an evening meeting and music entitled significantly "VIVISPERABALLA" experience Output from cancer.
The meeting - sponsored by the Equal Opportunity Casola and the Pomegranate Society - will be attended by Dr. . Stefano Tamberi , Director of Oncology Unit Faenza, psychologist and psychotherapist Elena Samorì to be followed by direct evidence of life stories by some women. Musical events will follow the orchestra Chiarazula and Dj Niko .
To conclude the meeting a buffet.
The entrance to the evening is free and all citizens are invited to attend.
Lilu Perfume For Sale
Milena Dalpra leaves the City Council. The successor Giuliano
The demands of work and the transfer of residence led the Council in Faenza Milena Dalpra to interrupt the his post in Casola City Council and the Council of the Union of Municipalities of the Apennines Faenza. In the next session
advice - pevista by March - in addition to the formal notice of resignation took place, we proceeded to the subrogation of resigning with the entrance at the City Council of Giuliano Visani that administrative consultations in June 2009 was the first of not elected by the majority suggesting "United Casola." Visani
Julian joined the founding committee of the Democratic Party of Casola Valsenio in 2007 and became a member of the Steering Committee. E 'was subsequently appointed vice-secretary of the Democratic Club of Casola Valsenio and responsible environmental policies and accessions. The Secretary
farmhouse PD, Massimo Barzagli addressed the thanks of the Club and its PD " Milena Dalpra for their efforts in the last parliament and up to now " and, Giuliano Visani " the hope a good job in the new position of political representation, in the hope that the Mayor and members of City Council to take advantage of their specific skills for a successful political and administrative support on priority issues to our agenda, such as protection and environmental quality, Sustainable Development e le energie rinnovabili ".

advice - pevista by March - in addition to the formal notice of resignation took place, we proceeded to the subrogation of resigning with the entrance at the City Council of Giuliano Visani that administrative consultations in June 2009 was the first of not elected by the majority suggesting "United Casola." Visani
Julian joined the founding committee of the Democratic Party of Casola Valsenio in 2007 and became a member of the Steering Committee. E 'was subsequently appointed vice-secretary of the Democratic Club of Casola Valsenio and responsible environmental policies and accessions. The Secretary
farmhouse PD, Massimo Barzagli addressed the thanks of the Club and its PD " Milena Dalpra for their efforts in the last parliament and up to now " and, Giuliano Visani " the hope a good job in the new position of political representation, in the hope that the Mayor and members of City Council to take advantage of their specific skills for a successful political and administrative support on priority issues to our agenda, such as protection and environmental quality, Sustainable Development e le energie rinnovabili ".
Kates Playground Movies
Visani A workshop / school dedicated to the creativity of women
L'Assessorato alle Pari Opportunità del Comune di Casola Valsenio organizza un Laboratorio/Scuola della Creatività nella Sala "Nolasco Biagi" (Biblioteca comunale).
La partecipazione ai corsi è gratuita e si svolgeranno nelle serate di martedì 15 e giovedì 17 marzo (dalle ore 20,30 alle 22,00). Le attività proposte saranno: decorazioni, biglietti pasquali e lavori con lana e cotone.
Verrà allestita inoltre una mostra sul " Il corredo della donna ". Si potranno ammirare componenti di corredi realizzati all'inizio del '900 e strumenti di lavoro per ricami, cucito e lane.
L'Assessorato alle Pari Opportunità del Comune di Casola Valsenio organizza un Laboratorio/Scuola della Creatività nella Sala "Nolasco Biagi" (Biblioteca comunale).
La partecipazione ai corsi è gratuita e si svolgeranno nelle serate di martedì 15 e giovedì 17 marzo (dalle ore 20,30 alle 22,00). Le attività proposte saranno: decorazioni, biglietti pasquali e lavori con lana e cotone.
Verrà allestita inoltre una mostra sul " Il corredo della donna ". Si potranno ammirare componenti di corredi realizzati all'inizio del '900 e strumenti di lavoro per ricami, cucito e lane.
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