The present article will address the delicate issue of "Dark Night of the Soul " phenomenon in the context of the subject- Ramtha and RSE , the movement from school he founded. Given the vastness and complexity of skills required to talk about it, the article could only present therefore only the general aspects.
Previously I had treated her article on the phenomenon of Orbs ( Orbs: beings of light) and the report on the UFO conference in Pescara (extraterrestrial contacts at the origins of knowledge).
My starting concepts which has been mentioned in previous articles, is that we are more than mere human beings (I think that we are divine beings / spiritual living a human experience) that we have to adapt to the reality / truth and not vice versa, and that if sappessimo use the resources we have, we could arrive at the knowledge, truth, and maybe the "salvation", or at least closer to it (everyone has to save himself).
No one is born "learned", this has never happened, not even recognized by the Ascended Masters, and no one can afford to impose its own idea, each one takes a personal journey, we are all influenced by anything that directs us and this is the "planet of free choice", everyone can do and think what he wants and make it "experience."
The "base" of my knowledge is formed by the teachings of Ramtha (books, tapes, DVDs and participation in retreats for a total of about three weeks), which gives me a "method" enter any information, like a puzzle to be constructed.
The starting material, which I recommend as an introduction to the knowledge of Ramtha and his "belief system" is the book "God in you " video " rockumentary", then the book " The plane of bliss , "and the film" Bleep - but do we really know bipp .
Who is Ramtha and so 'is the RSE?
Ramtha is an entity of the highest consciousness, a Teacher, with its unlimited vision and her clear clearly knows how to open their minds to knowledge and hidden potential, making available a significant amount of instruction and information. Lived as a man 35,000 years ago, since 1977 is shown by JZ Knight , which allows him to use his body to reach its extraordinary message to humanity, in a phenomenon of long chanelling studied by leading American scientists. His message is rapidly spreading everywhere, through the power of the message saying: " You are God and you are deeply loved " (we are loved by God and by all peoples of the most advanced civilizations in the cosmos). Ramtha is expressed with great passion and ruthlessness, with the aim to push us toward awareness and the transformation of our self. The Sun, stars, nature and all the elements that once were his teachers are constantly mentioned, and he shows us, with ease and determination, as their beauty is the manifestation of our magnificence. Are lessons loving, deep, poetic and optimistic. Ramtha is often said to love the very human race and to feel connected to us by a bond of brotherhood. He claimed to have lived one life, that one embodiment.
The RSE ( Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, the School of Ancient Wisdom ), is the School of Enlightenment / Ancient Wisdom founded by Ramtha. This is a true initiatory school, dedicated to providing what is known as "The Great Work." His role models are the School of Athens and the Ancient Gnostic schools, long forgotten (man know thyself, and know the Universe and the Gods). We will learn lessons and a variety of techniques / discipline. The job held by Ramtha, is to help "take the plunge, to help our development, and knowledge not only to him and he sent (Ramtha says that what matters is the message not the messenger), which but our past has been too long we have forgotten, is an important way that we can now have at our disposal to achieve this goal. Ramtha calls it "the supreme discipline of the mind".
The RSE is criticized for the cost of his retreats, I can not enter into the merits of this issue, but personally I consider the partecipazione a questi eventi di inestimabile valore, anche se “ci si mette nei guai”, in ogni caso ognuno deve prendere a riguardo la decisione che considera più opportuna. Inizialmente Ramtha era l’unico insegnante. Ricordo che, in particolare nel 1998, la RSE è stata presente al Parlamento Mondiale delle Religioni di Città del Capo, con le relazioni del dott. Joe Dispenza (Il cervello, dove scienza e spirito si incontrano), e del prof. Miceal Ledwith (La suprema sfida della religione – L’età dei quanti), relazioni poi riproposte alla RSE e disponibili (catalogo Macro Edizioni). Da anni sono insegnanti abilitati e intervengono hai vari ritiri/eventi in giro per il mondo.
Per il materiale informativo di base disponibile in rete riguardo Ramtha, vi rimando ai seguenti link: quadrasps1/note%20su%20RAMTHA. HTM (1)
La Scuola è basata su quattro principi .
- Il primo principio è che tutti siamo Dio, ogni essere umano è divine, not only men, but
all human beings irrespective of culture, gender, creed , culture, religion, age,
if you're alive and you have a brain.
- The second principle says that consciousness and energy create reality, in other words, the
how they think, has an effect on your life, not once, but always, all thoughts that
we did contribute to form our reality.
- The third principle says that human beings are here to make known the unknown, in other words
to experience new things in we had no previous experience,
obtain new knowledge and illumination, so you can experience the supernatural
and uncommon, that exists as potential, by divine right.
- The fourth principle says that we are here to master ourselves, to master and dominate the
time, the feedback that comes from our environment, and the feedback that comes from our
body, and that we can overcome, for a few moments, these things.
If we do that we are actually connecting to the divine and the more we do, the more honed my skills, the school is like an arena, a playground, where students can come, learn the technique and apply it in real life . Who will be the recipient of all this? Each student, and this will correspond to their ability to accept and apply. (From my interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza).
The dark night of the soul is a state of altered consciousness, a stage of utter solitude, to do what Ramtha calls the "Journey of Evolution" (we have already made the journey involution, from vacuum to the physical plane), the return home, because we may take place in the descent of our Higher Self, Divine Spirit, primary consciousness or whatever we call it.
Through the application of particular disciplines (such as those I learned by participating in some of the withdrawals of Ramtha RSE), you can raise / raise the vibratory rate of your body, continue to work on yourself, learn how to create the own reality.
Activation / ascent of the Kundalini (energy channel twisted around the spine), is perceived, According to Ramtha, such as "reverse charge", aims to purify our emotional body, lead us to a profound inner transformation, (the death of the ego / if abnormal), changing the chemistry of our bodies (which progressively younger and become "immortal"), causing deep suffering, physical and psychological.
Ramtha and all the Ascended Masters Christed (the word Christ means "God made man") tell us that we must be like a caterpillar in its cocoon closes, dreams of becoming a butterfly, and finally becomes a butterfly. Most of the time you go back, you want die because we think it is impossible, it is likely that something makes us go back, it is difficult to apply the advice they are given.
and 'Armageddon, the final battle between the forces of good and evil, and is strictly personal, nobody can do - fight for us ...
is also called "the magical presence," because is "the power of God that comes back" and, in fact, it enters a "magic", just that if not addressed properly, adequately, you risk becoming the worst nightmare, is the dark without speranza prima della luce.
E’ come quando piove, tipo un temporale di fine estate, l’atmosfera si carica elettricamente di ioni negativi, si percepisce una “sofferenza”, ma deve essere immaginata amplificata di centinaia o anche migliaia di volte, e questo ogni singolo istante che si è sveglio, come essere di fronte ad un plotone d’esecuzione, come entrare in un buco nero, che precede un big bang, ma interiore, per la nascita del nostro nuovo se, per non vivere più in quella che è chiamata “illusione della separazione”, per la “nuova ed eterna alleanza”.
Padre Pio ne parlava come of "seeing all sin." From this process so difficult and painful We can go back, but our soul tries to push to the maximum, the limit of our mental and physical strength.
Today we live an era that directs us to a change in our philosophy or organization (commonly called NWO) to boost the development of spiritual and already there are signs, of our self, to better find our way home, and this occurs at the end of a cycle of long-term than that known as "precession of the equinoxes," said period in various ways and various cultures (Maya, biblical apocalypse, etc ...).
According to Ramtha, everyone can find their own way according to their characteristics, their "uniqueness," no one can change the basis of what is of its nature.
Every Teacher Is Illuminated eo things his own way, actually the words are a poor half in front of these concepts, it would take at least telepathy and / or holographic images, in fact you have these experiences in astral travel , Ramtha was a Master of War (it was a great general / commander, and was a great "inner warrior"), The Buddha was the one who has found the "path of balance"; Jesus was a master of love.
Ramtha insists that we must take back our power, power that disperse and break up (we should not be "identified" with thoughts, places, things, times or events) that "attitude is everything" (as face any situation), because we are the creators of our reality, we have to live with "lightness of mind" Whenever possible, the best of our knowledge, invites us to never lose the smile, and what he calls "the betrayal of himself ".
Our" enemies "is the ego / s altered / personality (for the Ramtha "Karma" and what we have not yet Enlightened / done as our wisdom), and the triad past victimization inner dialogue.
Ramtha calls the duality of our mental state "monkey mind", explains the evolutionary history (and of our universe) from origins in the blank (nothing but all potential material with infinite vibration, everything is vibration) .
A hint of what I felt, my feelings in the darkest moments, when I "tried to enter" (as Ramtha says "you expect that everything will be due" but does not work così).
Per prima cosa, la nostra mente, la corteccia cerebrale, che noi occupiamo come consapevolezza secondaria, “il viaggiatore”, non è in grado di comprendere da sola queste cose/argomenti, è impotente, il suo scopo principale è la sopravvivenza, e soprattutto che DIO/se superiore / consapevolezza primaria ci ama oltre ogni immaginazione, non ci vuole “perdere”, ed ho avuto una percezione dell’inestimabile valore della vita. Così come non possiamo “entrare” con la nostra “mente da scimmia”, altrettanto non siamo in grado di comprendere quanto siamo amati e quanto grande sia il vero valore della nostra vita. La vita è a gift should never become a burden. Clearly I can not get into the most personal, as my life they have been conditioned.
Ramtha According to the cerebellum, the back of the brain, the brain is directly controlled by God, he connected with wide dimensional (God does not participate in our human experience, the appearance of God closer to us is the Holy Spirit, one might speak of the "trinity" ...), so our brain is a true quantum computer interdimensional.
The process of Enlightenment is a journey into of the brain ", to" turn it completely ". A Christ / Ascended Master is one who has made the "Great Work", has lifted the veil and saved himself, concluded the cycle of reincarnation, is free.
When we talk about the Masters does not make sense to do rankings, but for the story it tells, over 30 years of channeling, the RSE, and have "seen" in person (especially a handshake and a look deep blacks in the eyes), for what I believe to have understood and felt, for me is the No. 1 Ramtha Ramtha does not speak ... no, why?
conclude with a collection of thoughts called Ramtha "deep meditation"
You learn from all the things that are obstacles.
Le superate e diventate migliori grazie a tutte quelle cose.
To all those things.
Become unlimited
to be without fear, without guilt,
without hate, without bitterness.
Become unlimited means
able to love whoever you have in front of you.
This has become God
Embrace your life.
Know that you are divine and that the strength of your being
is due to everything you've done.
stop feeling guilty.
Stop with the farce of sadness in you.
Stop the blame to others.
Take your responsibility!
belongs to you.
Every time you allow others to express themselves how they want
without condemning them, deepening love and compassion
for yourself and hone your skills
to feel love and compassion for them.
Every time you find your beauty
in what is not immediately beautiful,
make deeper and stronger love yourself
understand and make the other person that is wonderful.
This includes love in a deeper way.
O My Beloved God,
that these thoughts are for my complete understanding, here and now.
When you love others allowing them the freedom to maintain and express their own truths,
're a light for those who want to see your verità.
Non occorre salmodiare fino a perdere fiato, non occorre meditare.
Allora queste virtù semplicemente sono.
Avete mai permesso qualcosa senza giudicarla,
come buona o cattiva, positiva o negativa, superiore o inferiore ?
L'avete mai fatto?
Have you ever seen something as simple as it is?
Well "is" only in the knowledge that go beyond the extreme
energy positive / negative outputs from the trial ...
Love the mirrors you see.
They help you to let your light shine ...
If someone hits a cheek
tell him to hit even more strongly the other
anything that made you wake up, let it happen! !
Most of you do not understand that what prosperity.
The feel something beyond your capabilities.
The lack of respect and love for oneself is tantamount to poverty,
equivalent to the lack of prosperity.
Prosperity is only a side effect of being happy
that allows the creative mind to be born.
A sweet morning when you wake up and realized this
you can have whatever you want,
why yours.
Fear is not knowing.
Try to figure it out!
Fear is not knowing.
You never made any mistakes, ever.
You never did anything wrong.
Per cosa dovresti sentirti in colpa?
Ogni cosa che fai, sai nella tua anima che quell'esperienza è giusta solo per te.
E' solo dopo l'esperienza, quando i sentimenti derivati da essa si sono sedimentati in saggezza, che constati che forse avresti potuto fare meglio o in altro modo.
Questa è innocenza, ed è anche istruzione.
Non rimanere legato all'ideale di come pensi have to be
because what you plan to be
will always be something very far from what you really are.
Allow yourself to simply be
and try anything and everything in your image will be as you are.
(1) Link from my old site, still active, entering the publications section there is other material, my interviews with the dr. Joe Dispenza, Ing. Fabio Marchesi, etc. ... now I have a channel on youtube, channel FostMolder
By Fausto Quadrelli
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