The meeting was the situation on the collection of signatures to demand the resignation of Prime Minister, and that will be delivered on 8 March by Rosy Bindi at Palazzo Chigi.
The Clubs were urged to extensive efforts on their territories this weekend.
But is the school that can bring out the mobilization of militants from the shortlist of PD. The Forum School the PD has already been taken in recent months, two major meetings with teachers, principals, students and family associations: there was found a very sick of the government. Which is known to the PD, is significant because in recent years the center had a good consensus among teachers. In short, the 'wind shifts' and Bersani has observed,' we must be there.'' While the secretariat was decided the maximum effort ahead of the March 12 event to defend the school , so much so that Francesca Puglisi, head of the PD school, participates in the organizing committee of the initiative that will look like in the 'format' to that of women of 13 February: no flags partito, largo alla società civile sul palco, manifestazione 'a rete' in varie piazze italiane.
Il PD poi vuol battere sul ferro caldo e l' 8 aprile darà vita ad una iniziativa sui generis, ' la notte bianca della scuola '.
Dalle 17 sino a notte fonda si riuniranno in quattro luoghi collegati via Web ( Bologna , Milano, Torino e Napoli) tutti i protagonisti della scuola, e cioè insegnanti, studenti, famiglie, personale ausiliario, e li si farà la prova, ha spiegato Puglisi, 'della scuola che vogliamo'. Bersani sara' a Bologna, e si stanno cercando personalità della cultura che tengano delle 'lezioni' nelle quattro aule scolastiche.
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